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Servo.hatred minden : Simon (m0dsZ3R)
koncertszintis : V.e.N.

2008-11-08 Budapest - Avalon - Kárhozat Kertje Fesztivál [Képtár]
2005 - servo.hatred was officially born. This was the year when servo.hatred gradually transformed from a power noise project to a dark-electro band.2006 - Practicing, practicing, learning the basics, writing “standard” dark-electro tracks while experimenting with other styles. First release on BLC Record’s “Interbreeding 8” compilation. Ven joined servo.hatred as live keyboardist. In july servo.hatred played it’s debut show at one of the best venues in Budapest (A38 boat), opening for Combichrist.

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
metalcsiga, Gothrider, Liberty, _Schizophrenia_, Ravenlord, Csilla, FAUh

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