As They Burn - Psychoative Green Fairy From the lines on this book, Learn everything that the believers of the cross Are still hiding from you. Free your mind of emprisoment. Destroy these walls to build new ones ready To bear the weight of truth. Ô man you are a creature so far away from the truth. The age of Horus is coming. Dionysos has restored the laws of nature. Chaos is on its way. So many year have passed, forget the real world around us Forever more deceptions. You do not see the things like they should be. Wake up and think. Build a church for the new wave of faith. Forget their lost cause, love yourself, And love those who want to progress. Deny the ungrateful, forget their voices, Forget their faces. “The moon has now a sister even more beautiful Than it’s predecessors” to exist is to change, To change is to mature, To mature is to go on creating onself