Blood Feast - 8. The Darkside 8. The Darkside A nice old lady sits on her chair She looks so peaceful with her streaked white hair Her family is gone, her husband has died All this loneliness brings out her darkside She's the crotchety old bag that everyone knew When you played as a kid she'd yell names at you If you went by her house she would call the cops You hates her so much you hoped she would drop Ooh! It's in your brain! Ooh! You feel the pain! Now that you're older a bit more mature You understand now that no one is pure A little bit of evil inside any of us In some it's noticeable and actually a must Others you must search deep within their souls But with a little bit of prodding you bring out that troll If overflows goodside and corrupts you and me Trials and tribulations, we all go though them Sometimes they end up in death The good and evil fighting for the top When will we ever be free Torment! Torture! The ongoing force to be seen Penance! For whom?! The only way to know is who wins! There is one other darkside that everyone can notice It's ever present and very hard to stop it The threat of destruction by one man's band The instant annihilation of all man Yes, you've guessed it, it's the big boom If it ever goes off the world will be our tomb So we live our lives day by day Hoping that the reaper will never ask us to pay