EverEve - Forsaken 04:29 Forsaken You used to control me No more than a puppet on a string You used to behold me Writhing down on the ground Destiny is a waste of hope Pardon my compassion A pathetic man in a pathetic world Each night – another needle in my skin So look nto my eyes! I'm forsaken Let my spirit receive the light You used to exploit me No more than a face in the crowd You used to terrify me For the sake of delusion Come with me, don't leave me now In liquid neon chaos Thorns of joy ignite my veins Each day – another needle in my skin (I'm blind) Let your sterile harvest Be reduced to dust (no faith) Let your false messiah Testify his lust (I'm blind) When your shallow wastelands Are redeemed by the tide (No faith) Hear the crimson choir Let the re be light! So look into my eyes Look and relaize... Collapsing, misleading, no shelter, I'm freezing Raising my shadows, my ruins are hallowed You used to control me... http://rockerek.hu/