Human Mincer - Flask Copper Deglutition The copper once in hand With visible transformation Suddenly the pain restart Skin transmutation due to this chaotic matter The why of the invention is not clear Protecting with password On this psycho inhuman form Pulverized, coal combustion : residual ash formation Broken cables, tech machinery, high levels Sparks, fire everywhere (x2) Deglutition of my flask copper Deglutition of my flask copper Overheats my internal Body temperatures to 203 degrees (fahrenheit) Infectious viruses Paralytic shellfish Toxin lethal Botulism toxin (x2) Insulin - will arrange this... This huge hand - can take it Pulverized, coal combustion : residual ash formation Broken cables, tech machinery, high levels Sparks, fire everywhere Cerebral blood flow Unconventional techniques Inserting needles With a programmed pistol In my jugular veins And brachial arteries Tilting my head down And, after massive blood loss Causes paralysis and fainting Revive! Revive! Revive!