Icefist - Csodaszarvas (part one) Now we are here in this night, Let's chase him until it die. We will proceed this hunting, I will catch that deer myself. Let's get him before the dawn, It can't escape from our side. Ready your swords and bows, I will kill it with my arrow. HUNT HIM DOWN! Refrain Here we will reborn our souls and renew our lives. The sun is shining our side, Throw your weapons in the air. The deer has escaped... It faded in the mist of darkness. Search it, it's our last chance, Or we'll lost forever. The sky is now turned to black, That deer escaped and can't be found yet. Where are we? Where is our home? We must to strong and tough now, The Magicdeer lead to this place. We will live here forever and ever, The grass and the river is enough. Feel like we call this: HOME.