Purtenance - Field of Terror Field of terror filled with corpses. Corpses of ancient enemies They have fought now for centuries. Field of terror filled with corpses Smell of rotten flesh and blood. Fills the air with toxic fumes Field is full of bones and skulls. Lost souls wander there forgotten Blood and guts everywhere. Screams of the dying Moaning of the wounded. Echoes in the air Black clouds block the night. Sulfur rain burns the remains Dark angels in the sky. Sing the song of the end Brainwashed soldiers keep on marching To the battle that will never end Fathers and sons keep on fighting In the battle that will never end Blood and guts everywhere. Screams of the dying Moaning of the wounded. Echoes in the air Dark clouds block the light. Sulfur rain burns the remains Black angels in the sky. Sing the song of the end http://rockerek.hu/