Sollen - Against the earth Diabolic games played for a long time Under our feet lies the ancient heritage Since the beginning, since we appeared We’ve broken every limit The tragedy of human fates Leaves our eyes dry We live in a selfish dream Without the chance to wake Instead of turning ahead We destroy the future of Earth Without learning it right There will only be present and past Instead of turning ahead We destroy the future of Earth Without learning it right There will only be present and past Against the Earth Why cannot man take care of life? Why is it so? His eyes still burning with sense He imagines for himself But the chance to trust fate Is thrown away All those countless prayers Something shoud be done now We'll stare into the sky together That sparkled blue for the long-gone times Burnt bodies lie around In the hot gold colour of the Sun Our prayers slowly fade away An empty world without creed Instead of will, without love We've lost all that was important Instead of turning ahead We destroy the future of Earth Without learning it right There will only be present and past Instead of turning ahead We destroy the future of Earth Without learning it right There will only be present and past Against the Earth