| Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards (2012-present) : | Shakh'ath |
Drums, Guitars (2013-present) : | Mal'akh ha-Shoah |
Bass (2016-present) : | Sha'arei Maveth |
Drums (2016-present) : | Neter-khertet |
A The Pale Spectre over the Worm demo 100 példányban jelent meg összesen, ezek mindegyike sötét vörös szatén tarisznyában; ebbõl 20 darabhoz járt továbbá egy darab emberi csont, mirha, üröm, tiszafa ágacska, jázmin és tömjén, melyeket halott- vagy szellemidézõ rítusokhoz lehet felhasználni.A Shrouded in Grave Soil demo elfeledett dalok gyűjteménye, melyek még az Abhorrence of Light lemez felvételének ideje alatt készültek függelék gyanánt. Exkluzív kiadás. Kézzel számozott, szitanyomással készített karton tokban kapható.
The Pale Spectre over the Worm (demo) (2013) |
 | 1. | Root of Hemlock Dug up in the Dark | 2. | Through the Tunnel of the Scorpio - instrumental | 3. | Her Lord Has Horns | 4. | Her Crimson Nectar on My Chalice | 5. | De Vmbrarvm Regni Novem Portis - instrumental |
Oracle of Death (demo) (2013) |
 | 1. | Chthonic Libation - instrumental | 2. | Ars Moriendi - instrumental | 3. | Into the Realmwomb of the Mother Serpent - instrumental | 4. | Transcend the Gateways of Lethe - instrumental |
Abhorrence of Light (2014) |
 | 1. | The Rite as Sinister as Old | 2. | Nigredo - The Lurid Light | 3. | Primitive Existence of Divine Pain | 4. | La Cripta Dei Lebbrosi | 5. | Breathing the Putrefaction of Their Grace |
Mors Triumphans (split) (2017) |
 | 1. | 13th Moon - Veneration of the Mighty Dead | 2. | Ritual Death - Señor de la tumba |
The Pale Spectre over the Worm / Oracle of Death (comp.) (2018) |
 | 1. | Root of Hemlock Dug up in the Dark | 2. | Through the Tunnel of the Scorpio - instrumental | 3. | Her Lord Has Horns | 4. | Her Crimson Nectar on My Chalice | 5. | De Vmbrarvm Regni Novem Portis - instrumental | 6. | Chthonic Libation | 7. | Ars Moriendi | 8. | Into the Realmwomb of the Mother Serpent - instrumental | 9. | Transcend the Gateways of Lethe - instrumental |
Shrouded in Grave Soil (demo) (2018) |
 | 1. | Lusting Cadaverous Tomb - instrumental | 2. | Nemo Ante Mortem Beatus | 3. | Necrophilia | 4. | Veiled in Abyssal Murk |
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