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Nate (Gitár)
Dowd (Gitár)
A Thousand Times Repent
Az együttes 2006-ban alakult az USA-ban ( Atlanta,Georgia). Metalcore/deatcore stílusú keresztény zenét játszanak. Eddig egy lemezük jelent meg Virtue has few friends címmel 2007-ben.

Albumok :

Virtue Has Few Friends (2007)
A Thousand Times Repent - Virtue Has Few Friends1.Take Me to the Witch of the Waste... We Have Much to Discuss 
2.That Was the Night Everything Changed 
3.So Much For Middle-Earth 
4.Complete Relinquish. Utter Abandon. 
5.a thousand times repent 
6.Curses ! Another Shape-Shifting Wraith ! 
7.a band of hunters stalk in edo [watch video]

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