Anabantha is a Gothic metal band from Mexico, founded in 1997. In 2006, they signed with Mexican Label Discos y Cintas Denver.
The band began in 1997 with Duan Marie on vocals and Vlad Landeros on keyboards, performing under the name Sentido Pésame. In 1998, the band changed its name to Transdellic (Trans = beyond; Dellos = visible), and added Jimmy Gallozo on drums. After recording several demos, the band hired Vlad Landeros as their new drummer, and recorded Letanías Chapter I. In 2002, the band line-up was Duan and Vlad, who released Without Saying Goodbye. In 2003 they recorded the demo Letanías Chapter II. In 2004 they recorded their demo disc Acoustic, which included tributes to the poets Pablo Neruda and Lovecraft.
In 2005, the band recorded "Without Saying Goodbye" (IDM Records), first as a promotional disc with 9 tracks and later as a double disc (Spanish and English). The album includes a cover of the 1970s band Shocking Blue's song Never Marry a Railroad Man. In 2006, the band signed Mexican label Discos y Cintas Denver. They then recorded "Letanías Chapter I", which includes two unreleased tracks,and they re-edited Letanías Forbidden Chapter with two bonus live tracks.
In 2007, band did a tour celebrating their tenth anniversary, which involved travel to Latin American cities in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. The band also released Letanías Chapter III, a CD of Cry Freedom, which includes music from "Phantom of the Opera".
At the end of 2008 the band announced the release of their new productions. In early 2009 Hermanos de sangre la iniciación, which is a finished version of the 2005 demo Hermanos de Sangre was released. In mid 2009 they recorded the song "My favorite dish," which is included in the compilation album Dinastía Immortal Wailing of Oscuridad. In late 2009 El poso de los deseos was released.
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Letanias Capitulo I Demo (2001) |
| 1. | Letanías | 2. | Sentido Pesame | 3. | Vampiro | 4. | Anabantha | 5. | Santa Agonia | 6. | Delirio | 7. | Matame | 8. | Dejame Ir | 9. | El Escondite | 10. | Manantial | 11. | La Barrera | 12. | Resurrección |
Letanias Capitulo II Demo (2003) |
| 1. | Espasmos Del Veneno | 2. | Posesiòn | 3. | Juramentos | 4. | Crucificame |
Llanto de Libertad Demo (2003) |
| 1. | La Flor | 2. | Hojas Secas | 3. | Sacrosanto Y Macabro | 4. | Una Lagrima | 5. | Corazón De Lagrimas | 6. | Estigmas | 7. | La Flor (Acustica) |
Resucitando El Olvido (Tributo) (2004) |
| 1. | El Ser Bajo la Luz de la Luna (Tributo A Lovecraft) | 2. | Te Honro En El Espanto (Tributo A Ramon Lopez V) | 3. | La Esclava Del Dragon (Tributo A La Mujer Anabantha) | 4. | Poema No. 20 (Tributo A Pablo Neruda) | 5. | Agua Sexual (Tributo A Pablo Neruda) | 6. | Dejate Ser (Tributo A Luzbel) | 7. | Hasta El Fin (Tributo A Psicfonia) | 8. | Almas Sin Paraiso |
Sin Decir Adiòs (2004) |
| 1. | Nocturna | 2. | Paraisos | 3. | Angel De Hielo | 4. | Siniestro Corazòn | 5. | Talisman | 6. | Sangre | 7. | Paradìs | 8. | Dejà Vù |
Acústico Demo (2004) |
| 1. | Dejà Vù | 2. | Desaparecer | 3. | Poema No.20 (Tributo A Pablo Neruda) | 4. | El Crepùsculo | 5. | Agua Sexual (Tributo A Pablo Neruda) | 6. | La Flor | 7. | Manatial | 8. | Es Ser Bajo LaLuz De LaLuna (Tributo A H.P. Lovecraft) |
Letanias Capitulo III (2006) |
| 1. | Hechizo | 2. | Cerrar Los Ojos | 3. | LaUltima Sinfonia Del Corazon | 4. | Tormento | 5. | Sereno Infierno | 6. | Sereno Infierno | 7. | Abismo | 8. | Sonrisa Muerta | 9. | Necromancia | 10. | Condena | 11. | Olvido |
Sin Decir Adios (Without Saying Goodbye) (2006) |
| 1. | Talisman | 2. | Deja-Vu | 3. | Nocturna | 4. | Madrugadas | 5. | Angel De Hielo | 6. | Paraisos | 7. | Siniestro Corazón | 8. | El Crepúsculo |
Letanias Capítulo I (2006) |
| 1. | Letanías | 2. | Sentido Pesame | 3. | Vampiro | 4. | Santa Agonia | 5. | Delirio | 6. | Matame | 7. | Dejame Ir | 8. | El Escondite | 9. | Manantial | 10. | La Barrera | 11. | Resurrección | 12. | Penitencia (Bonus Track) | 13. | Historia De Terror (Bonus Track) |
Llanto De Libertad (2006) |
| 1. | Barcos Fantasmas | 2. | Hojas Secas | 3. | Frio, Silencio y Soledad | 4. | Estigmas | 5. | Esclavos del Misterio | 6. | Corazón De Lágrimas | 7. | Ángel Dormido | 8. | La Flor | 9. | Sacrosanto y Macabro | 10. | Luna Confusa |
Viernes 13... Y El Zócalo Se Pobló De Sombras Live album (2007) |
| 1. | Barcos Fantasmas | 2. | Vampiro | 3. | Sangre | 4. | Madrugadas | 5. | Hechizo | 6. | Una Lágrima | 7. | Poema No.20 | 8. | El Escondite | 9. | Agua Sexual | 10. | Desesperanza | 11. | Tu Me Matas | 12. | Deja Vu | 13. | Crucifixion |
Viernes 13... y El Zocalo Se Pobló De Sombras Dvd (2007) |
| 1. | Barcos Fantasmas | 2. | Vampiro | 3. | Madrugadas | 4. | Hechizo | 5. | Una Lágrima | 6. | Poema No.20 | 7. | El Escondite | 8. | Agua Sexual | 9. | Desesperanza | 10. | Tu Me Matas | 11. | Deja Vu | 12. | Crucifixion | 13. | Pequeño Guerrero (A Capella) | 14. | Agua Sexual (A Capella) | 15. | Vampiro (TV Version) |
Letanias Capítulo II (2007) |
| 1. | Morador de las Tinieblas | 2. | Plegarias | 3. | Arlequin | 4. | Fantasma de la Opera | 5. | Posesion | 6. | Conjuro | 7. | Espasmos del Veneno | 8. | Espasmos del Veneno | 9. | Maleficio | 10. | Crucificame | 11. | Juramentos |
Rompiendo el Silencio Demo (2008) |
| 1. | Penitencia | 2. | El Altar De Las Pasiones Desoladeras | 3. | Condena | 4. | Esclavo Del Misterio | 5. | Poema No.20 | 6. | Plegarias |
Hermanos De Sangre (La Iniciación) (2009) |
| 1. | Desesperanza | 2. | Bruja | 3. | El Infierno de tus Ojos | 4. | El Resguardo | 5. | El Edén de Mis Sueños | 6. | Escapare de tus Recuerdos | 7. | Pequeño Guerrero | 8. | Sendero Nocturno | 9. | Dando la Cara al Abismo |
El Pozo De Los Deseos (2009) |
| 1. | El Bosque Encantado | 2. | Nunca Jamás | 3. | Gruzelda | 4. | El Vals de las Hadas | 5. | Mil y Una Noches | 6. | S.O.S. | 7. | El Milagro | 8. | Banshee | 9. | Brazos de Huracán | 10. | El Pozo de los Deseos |
Anabantha Duan Marie Split (2009) |
| 1. | Anabantha - El Pozo De Los Deseos (Acustico) | 2. | Anabantha - Duncan (Acustico) | 3. | Anabantha - Desaparecer (Acustico) - (Club De Fans Sentido Pesame) | 4. | Anabantha - Pequeño Guerrero (Acustico) - (Club De Fans Sentido Pesame) | 5. | Anabantha - Crimen Pasional | 6. | Anabantha - La Persecucion De La Cruz (Dinastia Inmortal 4 Acto) | 7. | Anabantha - Crucificame - Sentido Pesame (Acapulco) | 8. | Anabantha - Sangre (Acapulco) | 9. | Anabantha - Anabantha (rare version) | 10. | Anabantha - Debe Haber Algun Lugar | 11. | Anabantha - La Esclava Del Dragon | 12. | Anabantha - Nocturna (Old Integrals) | 13. | Duan Marie - Frente a Frente | 14. | Duan Marie - Volvere (Interpuesto) | 15. | Duan Marie - Dejarte De Amar (Interpuesto) | 16. | Duan Marie - Justicia Divina (Interpuesto) | 17. | Duan Marie - Sigue Doliendo Tu Amor |
Hermanos de Sangre "El Ritual" (2011) |
| 1. | El Santo Grial | 2. | La Sombra | 3. | Melancolico | 4. | El Presagio | 5. | Ixquic Imago | 6. | El Espejo | 7. | Fragmento de Soledad | 8. | La Amada Espera de un Suicidio | 9. | Agonia | 10. | El Frio Encuentro |