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EXILE (1997)
Anorexia Nervosa - EXILE1.Prologue - To Exclude From The Cycle Of Generations / Cycle I - Delusive Complexion 
2.Sequence 1 - Spiritu Fornicationis / Action 1 - Distressing Amnios 
3.Sequence 2 - Say The World That Fall In The Sky / Action 2 - Gnostic Wails 
4.Sequence 3 - The Unveiled Mirror / Action 3 - Other Wails 
5.Sequence 4 - Divert The Necessities Of The Body / Cycle II - Burning Tongue 
6.Sequence 1 - Against The Sail / Action 1 - Vertebrae Embryo 
7.Sequence 2 - Faith / Action 2 - Discordant Effects Of Suicides 
8.Sequence 3 - Acclaim New Master / Action 3 - Slave 
9.Sequence 4 - First Tasting Of Faecal Matter / Cycle III - Man-Machine 
10.Sequence 1 - Some Miracles Of Entrails / Action 1 - Not Showed 
11.Sequence 2 - Spirit Of The Valley / Action 2 - Enclose 
12.Sequence 3 - Flesh Goes Out Without Grace 
13.Sequence 3 - Flesh Goes Out Without Grace 
Anorexia Nervosa - DRUDENHAUS1.A Doleful Night In Thelema 
2.The Drudenhaus Anthem 
3.God Bless The Hustler 
4.Enter The Church Of Fornication 
5.Tragedia Dekadencia 
6.Divine White Light Of A Cumming Decadence 
7.Dirge And Requiem For My Sister Whore 
8.Das Ist Zum Erschiessen Schön 
9.The Red Archromance 
Anorexia Nervosa - NEW OBSCURANTIS ORDER1.Mother Anorexia 
2.Chatiment de la Rose 
3.Black Death, Nonetheless 
4.Stabat Mater Dolorosa 
5.Le Portail de la Vierge 
6.The Altar of Holocausts 
7.Hail Tyranny 
8.Ordo ab Chao: The Scarlet Communion 
Anorexia Nervosa - REDEMPTION PROCESS1.The Shining 
3.Sister September 
4.Worship Manifesto 
6.An Amen 
7.The Sacrament 
Suicide is Sexy (BEST OF) (2004)
Anorexia Nervosa - Suicide is Sexy (BEST OF)1.Le Patient est Isolé 
2.In a Brown Gnostic Study 
3.Quelque Chose Comme l�Idée qu�il n�Aurait Mieux pas Fallu Naître 
4.Anamorphic Effect: The Revival 
5.Retrouver Son État Initial, Éavant qu�il ne Soit Trop Tard 
6.In the Mental Confinement (Mosaic of Infinite Visions) 
7.Avec le Triomphe de l�Esprit et la Faillite de la Déité 
8.The Shadows Howling 
9.Garden of Delight 
10.Dismal Paradise 
11.Autoerotic Death* 
12.Lepros Darma* 

Kedvencek közé jelölték : 79
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