Apey & The Pea guitar, vocals : Aron Andras
(WSOTW, ex-Superbutt) - bass, vocals : Prepelicza Zoltan
(Last Charge, ex-Superbutt) - drums : Makai Laszlo

Albumok :

Better (Maxi) (2010)
Apey & The Pea - Better (Maxi)1.Better 
THE DAY ENDS (EP) (2011)
Apey & The Pea - THE DAY ENDS (EP)1.80 
2.Day Ends 
3.I The Rope Eater 
4.Stone Cold True 
5.Black Lamb 
Devil's Nectar (2013)
Apey & The Pea - Devil1.Nazareth 
2.The Rite 
4.The Four Horseman 
5.Hashman Blues 
6.Devil`s Nectar 
7.Judas [watch video]
8.Bullet the Red Piker 
9.The Upperhand 
Hellish (2014)
Apey & The Pea - Hellish1.Acid 04:21 [watch video]
2.The Late Great Satan 05:09 
3.Leprechaun Skin 04:37 
4.Timeless 04:32 
5.Pothead 04:58 [watch video]
6.Owl 04:23 
7.Abraham 06:33 [watch video]
8.Hellish 04:24 
9.Reverend Green 04:32 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
pomogács, Armour Claw Ring, Temple of the Hydra, standby, rock n loller, klzfilth, Across The Rubicon , Professor Tauruscat, Vixi, trowger, Hitvány, Emperor Waltz

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