Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea [Demo] (1992) |
![Ashes To Ashes - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea [Demo]](/kepek/zenekarok/a/ashestoashes/7727.betweenthedevilandthedeepblueseademo.album.gif) | 1. | Castle In The Air | 2. | Cat`s Eye | 3. | Forbidden Voice | 4. | In Remembrance | 5. | Dreamania | 6. | Kingdom Of Insanity |
Temples Of Ice [Demo] (1995) |
![Ashes To Ashes - Temples Of Ice [Demo]](/kepek/zenekarok/a/ashestoashes/7727.templesoficedemo.album.gif) | 1. | The Glory Lies Ahead | 2. | Despair | 3. | The Mourning |
Shapes Of Spirits (2000) |
 | 1. | Shapes Of Spirits | 2. | Shapes Of Spirits | 3. | Castle In The Air | 4. | The Mourning | 5. | The Mourning | 6. | Divide & Conquer | 7. | Sacrilege | 8. | Ad Infinitum |
Cardinal VII (2002) |
 | 1. | New World Obscure | 2. | Embraced In Black | 3. | Among Mortals | 4. | Truth On Scaffold | 5. | Iben | 6. | Dualism | 7. | Sic Transit Mundi | 8. | Ravenous Unleashed | 9. | Behind Closed Eyes | 10. | Cardinal VII | 11. | Iben Pt.2 |