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Austrian Death Machine énekes : Tim Lambesis
Tim Lambesis, az As I Lay Dying frontembere szabadidejét ennek a projektnek szenteli, ami önfeledt marháskodás a javából. Igazi crossover/thrash kliséhegyek, komolytalan szövegek, gyors, agresszív zene. Szó esik itt mindenrõl, filmekrõl, humorról, és legfõképp Arnold Schwarzeneggerrõl, avagy mi lett volna, ha a Terminator a puskát gitárra cseréli.Elsõ lemeze Total Brutal címmel 2008 július 22-én jelent meg a Metal Blade Records-nál. Bár számos közremûködõ is van, az album nagy részét maga Tim játszotta fel.

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Albumok :

Total Brutal (2008)
Austrian Death Machine - Total Brutal1.Hello California 
2.Get to the Choppa 
3.Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers 
4.All of the Songs Sound the Same 
5.I Am a Cybernetic Organism, Living Tissue Over (Metal) Endoskeleton 
6.Come With Me If You Want to Live 
7.What It`s Like to Be a Singer At Band Practice 
8.Who Is Your Daddy, and What Does He Do? 
9.You Have Just Been Erased 
10.Broo-Tall Song Idea 
11.Here Is Subzero, Now Plain Zero 
12.So Far, So Good, So Let`s Talk About It 
13.Screw You (Benny) 
15.If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It 
16.It`s Not a Tumor 
17.Not So Hidden Track 
18.Get to the Choppa [watch video]
A Very Brutal Christmas (EP) (2008)
Austrian Death Machine - A Very Brutal Christmas (EP)1.Jingle Bells 
2.Get To The Choppa 
3.Hell Bent For Leather (Judas Priest Cover) 
Double Brutal (2009)
Austrian Death Machine - Double Brutal1.Double Ahhnold 
2.I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle (from Terminator 2) [watch video]
3.Let Off Some Steam Bennett (from Commando) 
4.Who Writes the Songs? (The Real Bomb Track) 
5.It`s Simple, If it Jiggles it`s Fat (from Pumping Iron) 
6.See You at the Party Richter (from Total Recall) 
7.Hey Cookie Monster, Nothing is as Brutal as Neaahhh 
8.Who Told You You Could Eat My Cookies? (from Jingle All the Way) 
9.Come on Cohaagen, Give Deez People Ehyar (from Total Recall) 
10.Who is Your Daddy, and What Does He 2? 
11.Come on, Do it, Do it, Come on, Come on, Kill me, Do it Now (from Predator) 
12.Allow Me To Break The Ice (from Batman And Robin) 
13.Conan, What is Best in Life? (from Conan the Barbarian) 
14.Intro to the Intro 
15.T2 Theme 
16.Hell Bent for Leather (from Terminator 2 / Judas Priest cover) 
17.Time Travel: The Metallica Conspiracy 
18.Trapped Under Ice (from Batman and Robin / Metallica cover) 
19.Iron Fist (from Terminator / Motörhead cover) 
20.Recalling Mars 
21.I Turned into a Martian (from Total Recall / Misfits cover) 
22.Killing is My Business?and Business is Good (from everything / Megadeth cover) 
23.Tactically Dangerous - Cannibal Commando (from Commando / Goretorture cover) 
24.Gotta Go (from Terminator / Agnostic Front cover) 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Kozma9608, neked csak EDEM, Tributron, rockyappari, kiki42, csibe76, Janus, Slaf, Easy_Rider, CFH Andrew, atrofia, ThomasGeorgsson, papenDED, Neddyson, Wall Of Death, VonSchwarz, Massacrschmitt, Nothing Special, Franchow91, avenger_szisz, Lánctalp42, roland333, Keke 1988 , Lac88, Crowz, tothgergozero, patriche, oss, citrom, jimbo 94, Faragacs, Chopper762, zsetonzsolt, Hellbull, JanosztheHun, DezsoAtya, warhead 92, Thrashman, Onogur90, StormFront

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Hozzászólások :
2011.03.06. 21:09:36
Put that cookies down NOW! ki merne vitázni (:
Csak a trash metal létezik, minden más csak hazugság.

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