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Baranduin Guitar : Arttu Rantalahti
Vocals : Harri "Witchking" Hyytiäinen (Avathar)
Guitar : Panu Siik
Bass : Jussi Lahtinen
Drums : Juho Fabrin
Synth : Olli Hipeli
Vocals (early) : Jussi "Thorius" Saarinen

Albumok :

Sword of Ancient Might (2004)
2.The Oath 
3.Sword of Ancient Might 
4.Battle Winds 
Ancile ( Demo ) (2005)
 1.Battle Winds 
2.Sword of the Ancient Might 
3.The Oath 
A Warrior (2009)
Baranduin - A Warrior1.A Warrior`s Death 
2.Army of the Fallen 
4.The Wanderer of Time 
5.Disciple of the Sword 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
VampAngel, eisarngairda, danrael, Dendrit, Norgheld

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