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CKY Gitár, ének : Deron Miller
Dob : Jess Margera
Gitár : Chad I. Ginsburg
Basszusgitár : Matt Deis

Albumok :

Volume 1 (1999)
CKY - Volume 11.96 Quite Bitter Beings 
2.Rio Bravo 
3.Disengage the Simulator 
4.The Human Drive In Hi-Fi 
5.Lost In A Contraption 
6.Knee Deep 
7.My Promiscuous Daughter 
8.Sara`s Mask 
9.To All of You 
Volume 2 (1999)
CKY - Volume 21.Santa`s Coming 
3.Bon Jovi 
4.Football Trivia: Who Was It? 
7.Football Trivia: A True Legend 
8.Rio Bravo (Demo) 
9.Genesis 12a (Instrumental) 
10.Fat Fuck 
12.Chad`s In Hi-Fi 
13.Kerry Getz 
14.Eye Of The Tiger 
15.Step To CKY 
16.Drunken Freestyle 
17.Chinese Freestyle 
18.Jamie`s Message 
19.Arto/Rowley Part 
20.Lynyrd Skynyrd 
21.Shitty Christmas 
22.Barbara Jean`s Ass 
23.The 12 Days Of Christmas 
24.Whiter Trash 
26.Knee Deep (Demo) 
27.This Is Me Shitting 
28.Foreign Objects #10 
29.Disengage the Simulator (Demo) 
30.To All Of You (Static Mix) 
31.The Human Drive In Hi-Fi (Soft Funk Remix) 
Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild (2002)
CKY - Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild1.Escape from Hellview [watch video]
2.Flesh Into Gear 
3.Sink into the Underground 
4.Attached at the Hip 
5.Frenetic Amnesic 
6.Shock & Terror 
7.Plastic Plan 
8.Inhuman Creation Station 
9.Sporadic Movement 
10.Close Yet Far 
An Answer Can Be Found (2005)
CKY - An Answer Can Be Found1.Suddenly Tragic 
2.The Way You Lived 
3.Dressed in Decay 
4.Familiar Realm 
5.All Power to Slaves 
6.Behind the Screams 
7.Tripled Manic State 
8.Deceit is Striking Gold 
9.As the Tables Turn 
11.Don`t Hold Your Breath 
Carver City (2009)
CKY - Carver City1.Hellions on Parade 
2....And She Never Returned 
3.Rats in the Infirmary 
4.Imaginary Threats 
5.The Boardwalk Body 
6.Plagued By Images 
8.Woe Is Me 
9.A#1 Roller Rager 
10.Old Carver`s Bones 
11.The Era of an End 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
us021, Ladyslaus, Kate san, BuBA, ryder, BAM<3, Rubcsy, fannishaddix, the reaper, Anderia, PROTEUS, Copy, emmacore júkenttácsdísz , xLilluSKAx, Ki-SKA-csa, D_ö_G, rPatrik, Skate77, Patakííí, Barna +_+ vok, irvigzisman, Ödön, -HIM-, BociMaloney, Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn-Manson, Sylrael, GastrointestinalRape, Kovics, DarkDog, Vrabi_94, jackjack, DDboy, KatieGirl, B VITYA, Animánia, Nola, Pánk Picsa, ad_infinitum, Boby2344, punk-lány, Vidzs, MJB, fannishaddix, agyassj, Szery, 320, Hatchee, HorTam88, Mikoo_Dantee, Blackflint, Adept, nemeranevem

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