A Dark Moor a latin szimfonikus metal éra egyik legfigyelemreméltóbb csapata: egyrészt remekül közvetítik a térségre jellemzõ emocionális összetevõket, másrészt ízlésesen és élvezhetõen keverik a komolyzenei és musical elemeket, olyan, kissé barokkos hangzást produkálva, mely enyhe túldíszítettsége ellenére sem fordul giccsbe.
Shadowland (1999) |
 | 1. | 1.Shadowland | 2. | 2.Walhalla | 3. | 3.Dragon into the fire | 4. | 4.Calling on the wind | 5. | 5.Magic land | 6. | 6.Flying | 7. | 7.Time is the avenger | 8. | 8.Born in the dark | 9. | 9.The king´s sword | 10. | 10.The call |
The Hall of the Olden Dreams (2000) |
 | 1. | 1. The ceremony | 2. | 2. Somewhere in dreams | 3. | 3. Maid of Orleans | 4. | 4. Bells of Notredame | 5. | 5. Silver lake | 6. | 6. Mortal sin | 7. | 7. The sound of the blade | 8. | 8. Beyond the fire | 9. | 9. Quest for the eternal fame | 10. | 10. Hand in hand | 11. | 11.The fall of Melnibone (bonus track) |
The Gates of Oblivion (2002) |
 | 1. | 1.In the heart of the stone | 2. | 2.A new world | 3. | 3.The gates of oblivion | 4. | 4.Nevermore | 5. | 5.Starsmaker (Elbereth) | 6. | 6.Mist in the twilight | 7. | 7.By the strange path of destiny | 8. | 8.The night of the age | 9. | 9.Your symphony | 10. | 10.The citadel of the light | 11. | 11.A truth for me | 12. | 12.Dies Irae (Amadeus) |
Dark Moor (2003) |
 | 1. | 1. A Life for Revenge | 2. | 2. Eternity | 3. | 3. The Bane of Daninsky (the werewolf) | 4. | 4. Philip, The Second | 5. | 5. Form Hell | 6. | 6. Cyrano of Bergerac | 7. | 7. Overture (Attila) | 8. | 8. Wind Like Stroke (Attila) | 9. | 9. Return for Love (Attila) | 10. | 10. Amore Venio (Attila) | 11. | 11. The Ghost Sword (Attila) | 12. | 12. The Dark Moor |
Beyond The Sea (2005) |
 | 1. | 1- Before the duel | 2. | 2- Miracles | 3. | 3- Houdini´s great escapade | 4. | 4- Through the gates of the silver key | 5. | 5- The silver key | 6. | 6- Green eyes | 7. | 7- Going on | 8. | 8- Beyond the sea | 9. | 9- Iulius Caesar (Interlude) | 10. | 10- Alea Jacta | 11. | 11- Bonus Track-Vivaldi´s Winter |
Tarot (2007) |
 | 1. | 1- The Magician | 2. | 2- The Chariot | 3. | 3- The Star | 4. | 4- Wheel Of Fortune | 5. | 5- The Emperor | 6. | 6- Devil In The Tower | 7. | 7- Death | 8. | 8- Lovers | 9. | 9- The Hanged Man | 10. | 10- The Moon | 11. | 11- The fool |
Autumnal (2009) |
 | 1. | 1. SWAN LAKE | 2. | 2. ON THE HILL OF DREAMS | 3. | 3. PHANTOM QUEEN | 4. | 4. AN END SO COLD | 5. | 5. FAUSTUS | 6. | 6. DON`T LOOK BACK | 7. | 7. WHEN THE SUN IS GONE | 8. | 8. FOR HER | 9. | 9. THE ENCHANTED FOREST | 10. | 10. THE SPHINX | 11. | 11. FALLEN LEAVES WALTZ |