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Darkwoods My Betrothed Énekes,Basszusgitáros : Julma
Gitáros : Icelord
Billentyűs : Magician
Énekes : Spellgoth
Dobos : Larha
(ex)Gitáros : Hallgrim (Jouni)
(ex)Gitáros : Ante Mortem
(ex)Gitáros : Erno"Empuu"Vuorinen
(ex)Basszusgitáros : Hexenmeister (Teemu)
(ex)Dobos : Tero Leinonen
Alapítótag (ex)Billentyűs és Ének (Autumn Roars Thunder-ben) : Tuomas Holopainen

Albumok :

Reborn in the Promethean Flame-Demo (1993)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Reborn in the Promethean Flame-Demo1.Intro: "Ritual" 
2.Diabolic Paradise 
3.Sleeping Beyond 
4.Reborn in the Promethean Flame 
6.Christian Child Abuse 
7.Forgotten Lands 
8.Outro: "My God`s Perversions" 
Dark Aureoles Gathering-Demo (1994)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Dark Aureoles Gathering-Demo1.Enter My Black Dreams 
3.Dark Aureoles Gathering 
4.The Diabolical Eve of the Nocturnal Holocaust 
Heirs Of The Northstar (1995)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Heirs Of The Northstar1.My Eyes Are Frozen 
2.One Son Of The Northstar 
4.From The Snowy Hillsides They Came 
5.In A Silent Night 
6.Come Fimbulvetr 
7.Yggdrasil`s Children Fall 
Autumn Roars Thunder (1996)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Autumn Roars Thunder1.Autumn Roars Thunder 
3.When Ancient Spirits Battled 
4.The Conspiracy Of The Pagan Cult 
5.Hymn Of The Darkwoods 
6.On The Top Of The Falconhill 
7.King`s Grap Shadow 
8.I Burn At The Stake 
9.Red Sky Ober The Land Of Fells 
Witch-Hunts (1998)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Witch-Hunts1.Without Ceremony And Bell Toll 
2.Inside The Circle Of Stones 
3.The Crow And The Warrior 
4.Dying To Meet You 
5.The Witch-Hunts Trilogy Part I: The Preacher Came To Town 
6.Part II:Burn,Witches,Burn 
7.Part III:Witch Hunters 
Sacrement of Wilderness (1998)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Sacrement of Wilderness1.Nightwish-Sacrament of wilderness 
2.Eternal Tears of Sorrow-Burning flames`embrace 
3.Darkwoods my Betrothed-The crow and warrior 
The Eerie Sampler-Demo (1999)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - The Eerie Sampler-Demo1.Enter My Black Dreams 
3.Dark Aureoles Gathering 
4.The Diabolical Eve of the Nocturnal Holocaust 
The Eerie Sampler (1999)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - The Eerie Sampler1.I Am The King 
2.The Night Darkness Rose 
3.My Unholy Witch 
4.Valley Of The Stone Horns Gravferd 
5.Jeg Fornekter Jesu` Ord 
6.Når Kristendom Er En Saga Blott 
7.Av Hedensk Blod 
8.De Tapte Sjelers Hevnere 
9.La Oss Slakte Guds Lam 
Dark Aureoles Gathering-Demo (2000)
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Dark Aureoles Gathering-Demo1.Enter My Black Dreams 
3.Dark Aureoles Gathering 
4.The Diabolical Eve of the Nocturnal Holocaust 
5.Intro: "Ritual" 
6.Diabolic Paradise 
7.Sleeping Beyond 
8.Reborn in the Promethean Flame 
10.Christian Child Abuse 
11.Forgotten Lands 
12.Outro:"My God`s Perversions" 

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