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  Ének : Sam Anetzberger
Gitár : Stephan Wandernoth
Gitár : Peter Eifflaender
Basszer : Thomas Amann
Dob : Corny Althammer
2007-ben alakult Német Death Metal Zenekar! Alakulás:(Heidelberg/Mannheim/Odinwald, Baden-Württemberg)

Albumok :

In Memory of Mankind (2007)
Dead Eyed Sleeper - In Memory of Mankind1.The Savage Plague 
2.A Short Flickering of Bliss 
3.Sickening Foresight 
4.Erupting Hatred 
5.Dead End Street 
6.From Cave To Grave 
7.Till Death Cry Thoughts To Sleep 
8.Verminous Breed 
9.Drowned in Reality 
10.A Revery in Dismay 
11.The Nail Song 
12.Vision Future By Gone 
Through Forests of Nonentities (2009)
Dead Eyed Sleeper - Through Forests of Nonentities1.Of Wires And Lenses 
2.Cage Of Immaturity 
3.The Savage Plague 
5.Eye am Glowing Pulse 
6.The Sleep 
7.Enigmatic Conniption 
8.The Dead Eyed Sleeper - Pt.1 The Undercurrent 
9.Outstepping The Meander 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Paxton Vettel, Nitroglicerin

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