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Demilich gitár : Aki Hytönen
gitár : SDS
gitár, vokál : Antti Boman
basszusgitár : Corpse
dobok : Mikko Virnes
ex-basszusgitár : Jussi Teräsvirta (1990-92)
ex-basszusgitár : Ville Koistinen (1992-93)

ITT le lehet tölteni minden dalt és képet!

Albumok :

Regurgitation of Blood (demo) (1991)
Demilich - Regurgitation of Blood (demo)1.Uncontrollable Regret of the Rotten Flesh 
The Four Instructive Tales... Of Decomposition (demo) (1991)
Demilich - The Four Instructive Tales... Of Decomposition (demo)1.Introduction / Embalmed Beauty Sleep [mp3]
2.Two Independent Organisms -> One Suppurating Deformity [mp3]
3.And the Slimy Flying Creatures Reproduce in Your Brains [mp3]
4.The Uncontrollable Regret of the Rotting Flesh [mp3]
The Echo (demo) (1992)
Demilich - The Echo (demo)1.egasseM neddiH A - ortnI 
2.The Echo (Replacement) 
4.The Sixteenth Six-Tooth Son of Fourteen Four-Regional Dimensions (Still Unnamed) 
5.The Cry 
...Somewhere Inside the Bowels of Endlessness... (demo) (1992)
Demilich - ...Somewhere Inside the Bowels of Endlessness... (demo)1.(Within) the Chamber of Whispering Eyes 
2....and You`ll Remain... (In Pieces in Nothingness) 
3.The Cry 
4.The Putrefying Road in the Nineteenth Extremity (...Somewhere Inside the Bowels of Endlessness...) 
5.Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort 
Nespithe (1993)
Demilich - Nespithe1.When the Sun Drank the Weight of Water [mp3]
2.The Sixteenth Six-Tooth Son of Fourteen Four-Regional Dimensions (Still Unnamed) [mp3]
3.Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort [mp3]
4.The Echo (Replacement) [mp3]
5.The Putrefying Road in the Nineteenth Extremity (...Somewhere Inside the Bowels of Endlessness...) [mp3]
6.(Within) The Chamber of Whispering Eyes [mp3]
7.And You`ll Remain... (In Pieces in Nothingness) [mp3]
8.Erecshyrinol [mp3]
9.The Planet That Once Used to Absorb Flesh in Order to Achieve Divinity and Immortality (Suffocated to the Flesh That It Desired...) [mp3]
10.The Cry [mp3]
11.Raped Embalmed Beauty Sleep [mp3]

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
HungAryan Metal Terrorist, FistofGod, Aconteus (Thor), deathjani, 666DEATH METAL666, Harambe lives, Asphyxiation, Hellbull, mortuary human scream, Demilik, LACI_666, harambelives

Árva zenekar profil
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2011.05.10. 09:56:11
Újra van Demilich merchandise! Akit érdekel, nézzen el ide:
I like the death... I like the misery... I like this world!!

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