| 1988 - Skull Fracturing Nightmare (demo) 1. Downwind Death 2. Corpse Content (Happy Death) 3. Assault Of The Hammer 4. Cataclysm |
 | 1989 - Necrology (demo) 1. Crippling Velocity 2. Infectious Hospital Waste 3. 0.44 Caliber Brain Surgery 4. Neanderthal 5. Mercenary Aggression 6. Hydrophobia |
 | 1990 - Tortured Existence 1. 44 Caliber Brain Surgery 2. Neanderthal 3. Gelid Remains 4. Crippling Velocity 5. Infectious Hospital Waste 6. Hydrophobia 7. Paracidal Epitaph 8. Mercenary Aggression 9. Cataclysm |
 | 1992 - Epidemic Of Violence (Promo) 1. Carniverous Obsession 2. Orgy Of Destruction 3. Epidemic Of Violence 4. Omnivore 5. Aborticide |
 | 1992 - Epidemic of Violence 1. Skull Fracturing Nightmare 2. Human Dissection 3. Pyroclastic Annihilation 4. Envenomed 5. Carnivorous Obsession 6. Orgy Of Destruction 7. Epidemic Of Violence 8. Omnivore 9. Aborticide |
 | 1994 - Time Bomb 1. Under The Table 2. Power Struggle 3. Mindrot 4. Bread And Water 5. Missing: 5/7/89 6. Waste 7. Unidentified 8. Blowtorch 9. Mongoloid 10. Time Bomb |
 | 2008 - Necrology: A Complete Anthology 1 CD 1. 44 Caliber Brain Surgery 2. Neanderthal 3. Gelid Remains 4. Crippling Velocity 5. Infectious Hospital Waste 6. Hydrophobia 7. Paracidal Epitaph 8. Mercenary Aggresion 9. Cataclysm Epidemic of Violence 10. Skull Fracturing Nightmare 11. Human Dissection 12. Pyrociastic Annihilation 13. Envenomed 14. Carnivorous Obsession 15. Orgy of Destruction 16. Epidemic of Violence 17. Omnivore 18. Aborticide 2 CD 19. Intro 20. Under the Table 21. Power Struggle 22. Mindrot 23. Bread and Water 24. Missing: 5/7/89 25. Waste 26. Unidentified 27. Blowtorch 28. Mongoloid 29. Time Bomb 30. Waste [Pre-Production Demo] 31. Bread and Water [Pre-Production Demo] |