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Dominion III vocals : Elisabeth Toriser
All music, vocals : Tharen
bass : Jörg Lanz

Albumok :

The Hand and the Sword (2000)
Dominion III - The Hand and the Sword1.Apocalyptic Views 
2.The Angel`s Delusion 
3.The Hand and the Sword 
4.Immortal Reign 
5.The Machine`s Dream 
6.Corona of the Sun 
8.With the Strength of Aeons 
9.Tempus Fugit 
Life Has Ended Here (2002)
Dominion III - Life Has Ended Here1.A Dead Heart in a Dead World 
2.Life Has Ended Here 
3.The Priests of Emptiness 
4.Conductors of Live 
6.Code Red 
7.Coming Winter 

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