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Dry Kill Logic Vocal, énekes : Cliff Rigano
Gitár : Jason Bozzi
Basszusgitár : Brendan Kane Duff
Drums : Phil Arcuri

Albumok :

Cause Moshing Is Good Fun (EP) (1997)
2.Take Away 
3.I See I Hate 
Elemental Evil (EP) (1999)
2.Pray That I Miss 
3.Bring Back the Black 
5.Now I See the Light 
8.Pork Chop Sandwich 
The Darker Side of Nonsense (2001)
Dry Kill Logic - The Darker Side of Nonsense1.Nightmare [watch video]
2.Feel the Break 
4.Nothing [watch video]
7.A Better Man Than Me 
8.Rot [watch video]
9.Track 13 
10.Give Up, Give in, Lie Down 
11.The Strength I Call My Own 
12.Goodnight [watch video]
Rot (EP) (2002)
 1.Rot (Radio Edit) 
2.Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck 
3.A Better Man Than Me (The Mongo Remix) 
4.SEB (Get The F**k Out) 
The Dead and Dreaming (2004)
Dry Kill Logic - The Dead and Dreaming1.Lost 
2.Paper Tiger [watch video]
4.With Deepest Regrets... 
5.Neither Here Nor Missed 
6.The Perfect Enemy 
7.Living Witness 
8.One Handed Knife Fight 
9.As Thick as Thieves 
10.200 Years 
11.No Reason 
Of Vengeance and Violence (2006)
 1.L5 (Prologue) 
2.My Dying Heart 
4.Caught in the Storm 
5.From Victim to Killer 
6.The Innocence of Genius 
8.Kingdom of the Blind 
9.Dead Man`s Eyes 
10.Confidence vs. Consequence 
11.Breaking the Broken 
12.Lying Through Your Teeth 
13.In Memoria Di 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Nikossz, the CZ, DeadKiller, dani92, WADrián, Sushi, J.Roky, MetalDenis, Vendetta, Hunky, Berry, Gabriel Glasswalker, Farkas Falka, Ratzee, SKH, godowesmemoney, Szaji666, Janómalac Csíkosfejű Nádiposzáta , Greywolf Nagypapa , Diadal, Necropapi, BreakDown, nimphelos, Psichosocial, DoomAndGloom, Sikoly, Ghost Rain, fadeaway, Tartarus, Victorwie, A D G C F, Ingvar, hungaryan, Alexflamer, Gyulus11, A Wiking, PanteraFAN(t)a(s)tic, Distraction

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