1982-ben alakult Horvát Black/Thrash/Speed Metal zenekar. 1989-ben a banda átköltözött Skóciába és ott Lord of Darkness néven nyomultak - közben kiadtak 3 demo-t. 1995-ben újra nevet váltottak Djinn-re, majd 2007-2009-ig Beneath volt a banda neve. 2009-ben újra visszakeresztelték a zenekart Evil Blood-ra.
The Best of...'83 to '86 (1986) |
 | 1. | We Are the Satan (Prologue) | 2. | S.A.D.O. Violence (Die Sinner-Witchcraft/88) | 3. | Evil Blood ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 4. | Sinful Nun ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 5. | Countess Laura Whore | 6. | Carrie White Burn in Hell | 7. | Seventh Sabbath ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 8. | In the Name of Religion (live) | 9. | Ave Satanas ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 10. | Kill with Napalm (Pray to Die-Witchcraft/88) ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 11. | S.B.M.B.N.M. | 12. | To Hell & Back One Day | 13. | Written in Blood (live) | 14. | To Hell & Back One Day (2) | 15. | Vietnam Combat Fever (Trust in Evil-Witchcraft/88) | 16. | Den of Vice | 17. | Midnight in Sodom ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 18. | Bat Connan | 19. | The Beast |
Midnight in Sodom (demo) (1989) |
 | 1. | Midnight In Sodom | 2. | Bat Coven | 3. | Countess Laura Whore | 4. | Evil Blood | 5. | We Are The Satan/S.B.M.B.N.M. | 6. | Carrie White Burns In Hell | 7. | To Hell And Back | 8. | Ave Sathanas | 9. | The Beast |
Seventh Sabbat (demo) (1991) |
 | 1. | We Are the Satan | 2. | Seventh Sabbat | 3. | Countess Laura Whore | 4. | Carrie White Burn in Hell | 5. | Midnight in Sodom | 6. | To Hell and Back One Day | 7. | Evil Blood | 8. | Sinful Nun | 9. | S.A.D.O. Violence | 10. | Kill With Napalm | 11. | Ave Satanas | 12. | Vietnam Combat Fever | 13. | Den of Vice | 14. | Bat Conan | 15. | S.B.M.B.N.M. | 16. | Ballad of Lucrecia Borgia |
Tales From the Abyss (demo) (1993) |
 | 1. | Genocide | 2. | Malevolent Warrior | 3. | Nuclear Death | 4. | Silent Sun Of The Seer | 5. | Wermacht Coming | 6. | World Of Shadows |
Twilight in Another Dimension (demo) (1994) |
 | 1. | Written in blood | 2. | In the name of religion | 3. | Twilight in another dimension | 4. | Iron fist | 5. | In league with satan |
20 Years of Djinn (Best of) (2003) |
 | 1. | Epilogue | 2. | Why (You Wanna Die) | 3. | Burn, Burn | 4. | Godless | 5. | Oberon | 6. | I Walk Alone | 7. | Nature of the Beast | 8. | Wardance | 9. | Red Cloud | 10. | Neverworld | 11. | To Hell & Back One Day | 12. | Slaughter | 13. | Malevolent Warrior | 14. | Headhunter | 15. | Empire of the Damned | 16. | Nuclear Ray | 17. | Angelwitch | 18. | Twilight in A.D. | 19. | Written in Blood | 20. | Wermarch Coming | 21. | Silent Sun of the Seer | 22. | Doomed Battles |
Nemesis (2005) |
 | 1. | Wolf Pack | 2. | Spirit With an Axe (Za-Gor Ta-Nay) | 3. | Watch out for K.M. (Knight Rider) | 4. | Emptiness | 5. | Nemesis | 6. | Lord of Darkness | 7. | Undertaker | 8. | 24/7 Deathdealer | 9. | Declaration of War | 10. | Genocide | 11. | Nuclear Death | 12. | World of Shadows |
Second Coming (2006) |
 | 1. | Second Coming of the Antichrist (Intro) | 2. | Dead of Winter | 3. | Shackled | 4. | Zombie Box | 5. | Ravenscraig | 6. | Poco Diablos | 7. | Voice from the Past | 8. | Pagan God | 9. | Celtic Saint | 10. | Forgotten Hero | 11. | Holy Rage |