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Frost(hivatalos) bass : Mocsnik Ferenc
gitár : Komló György
vokál : Varga Zsolt
dob : Deák Tamás
gitár/vokál : Tátrai Csaba

Albumok :

Inno a Satana (1996)
Frost(hivatalos) - Inno a Satana1.Storm Above The Carpathians 
2.The Other Side 
3.Dark Clouds 
4.Perishing Existence 
5.Storm Above The Carpathians /live/ 
6.To Koppány Lord 
Storm Above the Carpathians (1997)
Frost(hivatalos) - Storm Above the Carpathians1.Intro 
2.Storm Above The Carpathians 
3.Journey In The Forgotten Realm 
4.The Vampire Lord 
5.Purifying In The Endless Forest Of Satan 
6.My Path In Darkness 
7.Open Wide The Gates Of The Dark Empire 
8.Journey In The Forgotten Realm /live/ 
9.In Front Of Armies 
Triump of The Damned Hordes (3 - way split MC) (1997)
Frost(hivatalos) - Triump of The Damned Hordes (3 - way split MC)1.Blazeequestrian From Hellsfire 
2.Under The Flag Of Riders Of Doom 
3.At Dawn Of Armageddon 
4.Cold Embrace Of Darkness 
5.By Cold Breath Of Carpathian 
6.Where The Dreams Can`t Reborn 
7.Last Battle Of The Ancient Storm 
9.Storm Above The Carpathians 
10.Dark Clouds 
11.Iced Soul 
12.Dest Iklimi 
14.Wanderer Of Sunset 
16.Scarlet Nightfall 
Tribute to Tormentor (1998)
Frost(hivatalos) - Tribute to Tormentor1.AHRIMAN - Beyond 
2.FROST - Elizabeth Bathory 
Under the Hungarian Blackmoon (1998)
Frost(hivatalos) - Under the Hungarian Blackmoon1.Dark Symphony 
2.Arcanus Litterae 
3.Lost Ancient Age 
4.Child Of The Hungarian Blackmoon 
5.Elizabeth Bathory - TORMENTOR cover /live/ 
6.A Táltos 
Songs of the ancient gods (1999)
Frost(hivatalos) - Songs of the ancient gods1.In Front Of Armies 
2.To Koppány Lord 
3.A Táltos 
4.Dark Symphony 
5.Journey In The Forgotten Realm 
6.Arcanus Litterae 
7.Dark Clouds 
Ritual forecast (2000)
Frost(hivatalos) - Ritual forecast1.Intro 
2.Nature`s Revenge 
3.The Curse 
Extreme loneliness fragments (2002)
Frost(hivatalos) - Extreme loneliness fragments1.Lost Connection 
2.Unholy Land 
3.Nature`s Revenge 
4.Storm Above The Carpathians 
6.The Curse 
7.Heathen Lament 
8.My Black Metal 
9.The Flying Back 
Voices from beyond the gates (2004)
Frost(hivatalos) - Voices from beyond the gates1.Funeral 
2.The Glassmountain 
3.Rot With Me 
5.The Calling 
6.Arcanus Litterae (a 12" MLP változaton) 
Extreme loneliness fragments(Paragon rec.) (2005)
Frost(hivatalos) - Extreme loneliness fragments(Paragon rec.)1.Lost Connection 
2.Unholy Land 
3.Nature`s Revenge 
4.Storm Above The Carpathians 
6.The Curse 
7.Heathen Lament 
8.My Black Metal 
9.The Flying Back 
10.In Front Of Armies 
11.Dark Symphony 
12.The Glassmountain 
13.The Calling 
14.Elizabeth Bathory - TORMENTOR cover 
Black shining (2007)
Frost(hivatalos) - Black shining1.Black Shining 
2.Among The Ruins Of Worship 
3.Thus Let The Light Shine 
4.The Calling 
5.We Touch The Pagan Fire 
6.The Unbirthable 
8.To The Children Of Frostland 
9.The Flying Back (part two) 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
komek, Szintiboy, Armour Claw Ring, Across The Rubicon , Herne the Hunter

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