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Goatwhore Guitar, vocals : Sammy Duet
Vocals : Ben Falgoust II
Drums : Zack Simmons
Bass, backing vocals : Nathan Bergeron

Albumok :

Serenades to the Tides of Blood /demo/ (1998)
Goatwhore - Serenades to the Tides of Blood /demo/1.Desolate Path (To Apocalyptic Ruin) 
2.Perversions of the Ancient Goat 
3.Nocturnal Holocaust 
4.Lycanthropic Moon 
6.As the Reflection Slowly Fades 
7.Invert the Virgin 
8.Funeral Orgies 
9.Graveyards and Dead Angels 
The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black (2000)
Goatwhore - The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black1.Nocturnal Holocaust 
2.Lair of Nastrond 
3.Desolate Path to Apocalyptic Ruin 
4.The Beauty in Suffering 
5.As the Reflection Slowly Fades 
6.All the Sins 
7.Satan`s Millenium 
8.Upon This Deathbed of Cold Fire 
10.Invert the Virgin 
11.Perversions of the Ancient Goat 
12.Into a Darker Sun 
13.Under a Dark God 
14.Commanding the Legions of Hell 
15.Graveyards and Dead Angels 
Goatwhore/Epoch of Unlight (2003)
Goatwhore - Goatwhore/Epoch of Unlight1.Betrayer (Kreator cover) 
2.Raped by the Light of Christ (At the Gates cover) 
3.Into the Crypt of Rays (Celtic Frost cover) 
Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun (2003)
Goatwhore - Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun1.Sacrament of Emptiness and Despair 
2.Vengeance of Demonic Fury 
3.Blood Guilt Eucharist 
4.The Serpent That Enslaves What Is Worshiped 
5.Chanting Bells of Funeral Anguish 
6.Sky Inferno 
7.A Closure in Infinity 
8.Invocation to the Obsidian Moon 
9.As the Sun Turns to Ash 
10.Fires of the Judas Blood 
11.The Black Art of Deception 
12.Baptized in a Storm of Swords 
A Haunting Curse (2006)
Goatwhore - A Haunting Curse1.Wear These Scars of Testimony 
2.Bloodletting Upon the Cloven Hoof 
3.Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult 
4.My Eyes Are the Spears of Chaos 
5.In the Narrow Confines of Defilement 
6.Forever Consumed Oblivion 
7.A Haunting Curse... 
8.Silenced Marked by the Breaking of Bone 
9.Diabolical Submergence of Rebirth 
10....Of Ashen Slumber 
11.I Avenge Myself 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
HungAryan Metal Terrorist, siccu, Massacrschmitt, obituary85, Nammtar, Devastatus, Lázlóóó, Dreco, GrImM ReApEr, Ifota, kovda9, Nosfelau, pistuka77, Deicide666, Dzsuszkó, OutbreakOfEvil, 5 pONtosan az 8, Hellbull, NAGLFAR666, gerinc, amor E morte

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