Serenades to the Tides of Blood /demo/ (1998) |
 | 1. | Desolate Path (To Apocalyptic Ruin) | 2. | Perversions of the Ancient Goat | 3. | Nocturnal Holocaust | 4. | Lycanthropic Moon | 5. | Gravedom | 6. | As the Reflection Slowly Fades | 7. | Invert the Virgin | 8. | Funeral Orgies | 9. | Graveyards and Dead Angels |
The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black (2000) |
 | 1. | Nocturnal Holocaust | 2. | Lair of Nastrond | 3. | Desolate Path to Apocalyptic Ruin | 4. | The Beauty in Suffering | 5. | As the Reflection Slowly Fades | 6. | All the Sins | 7. | Satan`s Millenium | 8. | Upon This Deathbed of Cold Fire | 9. | Gravedom | 10. | Invert the Virgin | 11. | Perversions of the Ancient Goat | 12. | Into a Darker Sun | 13. | Under a Dark God | 14. | Commanding the Legions of Hell | 15. | Graveyards and Dead Angels |
Goatwhore/Epoch of Unlight (2003) |
 | 1. | Betrayer (Kreator cover) | 2. | Raped by the Light of Christ (At the Gates cover) | 3. | Into the Crypt of Rays (Celtic Frost cover) |
Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun (2003) |
 | 1. | Sacrament of Emptiness and Despair | 2. | Vengeance of Demonic Fury | 3. | Blood Guilt Eucharist | 4. | The Serpent That Enslaves What Is Worshiped | 5. | Chanting Bells of Funeral Anguish | 6. | Sky Inferno | 7. | A Closure in Infinity | 8. | Invocation to the Obsidian Moon | 9. | As the Sun Turns to Ash | 10. | Fires of the Judas Blood | 11. | The Black Art of Deception | 12. | Baptized in a Storm of Swords |
A Haunting Curse (2006) |
 | 1. | Wear These Scars of Testimony | 2. | Bloodletting Upon the Cloven Hoof | 3. | Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult | 4. | My Eyes Are the Spears of Chaos | 5. | In the Narrow Confines of Defilement | 6. | Forever Consumed Oblivion | 7. | A Haunting Curse... | 8. | Silenced Marked by the Breaking of Bone | 9. | Diabolical Submergence of Rebirth | 10. | ...Of Ashen Slumber | 11. | I Avenge Myself |