Grinded Nig logo
Grinded Nig Vokál : Eaterini(White Wash, Genocidal Hate)
Gitár,Vokál : Flint
Gitár : Ukla the Mock
Basszusgitár,háttér Vokál : Stucky
Dob : Uncle Reage

Grinded Nig egy N.S.Grind banda a Texasi Arawakbõl(USA) amit 1990-ben alapítottak ex-Bloodstained Boots tagok.

Albumok :

Barbaric Racial Hate Anthems (demo) (1993)
 1.1. Hinkle & Dinkle 02:12 
2.2. Race Card 01:54 
3.3. 88 Motherfucker 01:25 
Family Shit Stomp '99 (demo) (1999)
 1.1. Skin Illustrations 
2.2. Beat Down 
3.3. Satanic Hispanics 
4.4. Ghetto 
5.5. Kill `em for the Skins 
6.6. Greedy Pigs 
7.7. Murder Boys 
Freezer Full of Nigger Heads (2002)
Grinded Nig - Freezer Full of Nigger Heads1.1. Freezer Full of Nigger Heads 02:35 
2.2. Hatred in My Heart 02:34 
3.3. Black Ass Nigger 03:29 
4.4. Barnacle Yid 02:55 
5.5. Racial Slur 01:14 
6.6. Hinkle & Dinkle * 02:12 
7.7. Race Card * 01:54 
8.8. 88 Motherfucker * 01:25 
Best of/Compilation (Freezer Full of Nigger Heads) (2004)
Grinded Nig - Best of/Compilation (Freezer Full of Nigger Heads)1.1. Freezer Full of Nigger Heads 02:35 
2.2. Hatred in My Heart 02:34 
3.3. Black Ass Nigger 03:29 
4.4. Barnacle Yid 02:56 
5.5. Racial Slur 01:14 
6.6. Hinkle & Dinkle 02:12 
7.7. Race Card 01:54 
8.8. 88 Motherfucker 01:25 
9.9. Faggot Cowboys 01:14 
10.10. There Is a Surprise Gonna Be in Your Mailbox 01:08 
11.11. 3rd Reich Nightmare 00:10 
12.12. Aryan Mental Hospital Visit 1 01:06 
13.13. Bored Jap 00:20 
14.14. Dead 00:04 
15.15. Fucking Around - Wake Up and Grind 00:25 
16.16. Aryan Mental Hospital Visit 2 00:43 
17.17. Jackhammered Nigger Pussy 00:18 
18.18. I Kill for the Aryan Race 00:11 
19.19. Nigger Trash 01:00 
20.20. Haitian Horror 00:24 
21.21. Sissified Faggot 00:33 
22.22. Nigger Circus 00:17 
23.23. Sadness of the Aryan Race 00:38 
24.24. Skinhead Dicksuckers 00:16 
25.25. Maniacal Mike 00:56 
26.26. Rocking Roll White Power 00:11 
27.27. Stormtrooping till Death 00:11 
28.28. Confession I 01:32 
29.29. Confession II 04:33 
30.30. Splatter Day 01:59 
31.31. Fuck You (D.O.A. cover) 02:09 
32.32. Nigger Cemetary (Ramones cover) 02:42 
33.33. Freezer Full of Nigger Heads 03:34 
Racial Mutilation (2004)
Grinded Nig - Racial Mutilation 1.1. Splatterday, Nigger Day 04:03 
2.2. Daddy, Daddy Call the Coroner... I Just Killed Another Nigger 03:08 
3.3. Torture & Humiliation 05:35 
4.4. Tool Box Murderer 04:29 [ 
5.5. Hit the Jewish 05:26 
6.6. Grinded Nigger 02:52 
7.7. Butchery on Kike Street (The Ballad of Nazi Butcher Bartok) 04:45 
8.8. Freezer Full of Nigger Heads 02:35 
9.9. Aryan Man 2099 03:37 
10.10. Hatred in My Heart 02:43 
Nazi Headbanger (EP) (2004)
Grinded Nig - Nazi Headbanger (EP)1.1. Nigger Rapist 04:57 
2.2. Nazi Headbanger 01:23 
3.3. Predominately Black 01:18 
4.4. Iron Vigilante 01:43 
5.5. Lil Rat Nigger 00:10 
6.6. Rotten Eclipse 02:46 
7.7. Fuck Niggers 01:10 
8.8. Nigger Hanging in a Tree 01:04 
9.9. Impaled Rape 00:25 
10.10. Molester in Training 01:55 
11.11. Adventures of Grandma Tessmocker 1 01:48 
12.12. Ignorance 02:15 
13.13. Mutated Octopus 00:37 
14.14. Adventures of Grandma Tessmocker 2 01:20 
15.15. Killing & Raping 03:30 
White Wash/Grinded Nig (split) (2005)
Grinded Nig - White Wash/Grinded Nig (split)1.1. Chainsaw (White Wash) 
2.2. Pet Cemetary (Grinded Nig) 
Shriek of the Mutilated (2005)
Grinded Nig - Shriek of the Mutilated 1.1. The Return of Grinded Nig 02:06 
2.2. Nigger Blood on the Knife 01:51 
3.3. Shredded Nigger Cock in Rotten White Cunt 03:13 
4.4. Shriek of the Mutilated 01:34 
5.5. Aryan Metal Fist 02:58 
6.6. Nigger Mortis 02:24 
7.7. Grinded Nig Strut 01:44 
8.8. Splatterday, Niggerday 04:04 
9.9. Daddy, Daddy Call the Coroner! I Just Killed Another Nigger! 03:09 
10.10. Torture & Humiliation 05:35 
11.11. Toolbox Murders 04:29 
12.12. Butchery on Kike Street (The Ballad of the Nazi Butcher Bartok) 04:45 
13.13. Lil` Rat Nigger 00:10 
14.14. Nigger Rapist 04:58 
15.15. Nazi Headbanger 01:24 
16.16. Predominantly Black 01:18 
17.17. Iron Vigilante 01:44 
18.18. Rotten Eclipse 02:47 
19.19. Fuck Niggers 01:10 
20.20. Nigger Hanging from a Tree 01:04 
21.21. Molester in Training 01:56 
22.22. Mutated Octopus 00:38 
23.23. Grandma Tessmocker, Part 1 01:49 
24.24. Grandma Tessmocker, Part 2 01:20 
Hate Grind vs. Hate Punk (split-Grinded Nig vs. Dirty White Punks) (2006)
Grinded Nig - Hate Grind vs. Hate Punk (split-Grinded Nig vs. Dirty White Punks)1.1. Grinded Nig-Intro (Racial Retard on the Loose) 02:58 
2.2. Grinded Nig-Grinded Nigger 02:53 
3.3. Grinded Nig-Shit Colored Nigger / Fuck You (D.O.A. cover) 02:11 
4.4. Grinded Nig-Aryan Man 2099 (Rise of the Savage Negroid Ghoul) 03:38 
5.5. Grinded Nig-Hit the Jewish 05:27 
6.6. Grinded Nig-Freezer Full of Nigger Heads (remix) [watch video]
7.7. Grinded Nig-Hockey`s Not for Niggers 02:28 
8.8. Grinded Nig-Hatred in My Heart (remix) 00:59 
9.9. Grinded Nig-Dead Motherfucker (Ramones cover - Pet Sematary) 02:40 
10.10. Dirty White Punks-Punk`s Not Red 02:50 [watch video]
11.11. Dirty White Punks-Thank You Katrina 03:51 
12.12. Dirty White Punks-Dirty White Punks 02:58 
13.13. Dirty White Punks-Gas `em All, Burn the Flesh 01:58 
14.14. Dirty White Punks-Kill the Pigs 02:19 
15.15. Dirty White Punks-Blacks in Our Public Schools (G.G. Allin cover - Fags In The Living Room/God Of Fire In Hell) 01:58 
16.16. Dirty White Punks-Someone`s Gonna Die Tonight (Blitz Cover) 02:04 
17.17. Dirty White Punks-Plastic Liberty 02:15 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
White Metal, Csicskagyász, skinbence88, walhalla, FagZone, Vitya 8§8, Grindterror, CsakRotten, Armaros, ButcherHUN, Gofi, Raw1488

Árva zenekar profil
Hozzászólások :
2011.11.27. 19:45:08
A Loyalty recordsnál van olcsón Grinded Nig cd.

*módosítva: 2012-04-13 19:15:36
2011.11.25. 18:15:42
ultra brutál!nagyon nagy ez a banda!:D
"Vallási széthúzás,elönt a méreg Keresztény vagy pogány, nem ez a lényeg Ne keresd a különbséget, mi egyek vagyunk Eltipornak minket, hogyha egymással harcolunk"Archívum-Rossz Hit

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