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Heaps of Dead Ének : Ty Clements
Bass & Vocal : Chad Parsons
Gitár&Vocal : Jeff Higgins
Gitár : Dan Harrington
Dob&Vocal : Jason Kurz

Albumok :

Horror of the Hopeless Sufferer (Demó) (2006)
Heaps of Dead - Horror of the Hopeless Sufferer (Demó)1.Shut My Eyes 
2.A Blessed Curse 
3.Horror of the Hopeless Sufferer 
Deceased Dismembered And Left To Decay (2009)
Heaps of Dead - Deceased Dismembered And Left To Decay  	1.Kuklinski 
3.Coveted [watch video]
6.Vollum Strain 
8.Dark Crusade 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten, Nitroglicerin, Valaki a sok közül, 6 6 6, Sin Cara

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