Impaled logo
Impaled ének,gitár : Sean McGrath - Minister of Medicine
ének,gitár : Jason Kocol - Minister of Science
bassz/ének : Ross Sewage - Minister of Filth
dob : Raul Varela - Minister of Depravity
1997-ben Oakland-ben (USA) alakult belezõs gore death metal zenekar. Szélsõséges és brutális!Csak erõs idegzetûeknek!

Albumok :

Septic Vomit Demo (1997)
Impaled - Septic Vomit  	Demo1.1. Intro 
2.2. Brutally Dismembered Symphonic Gore 
3.3. I Fuck the Dead 
4.4. Baby Grinder 
5.5. Necroemetophilia 
6.6. Outro (Vaginal Vomit Expulsion) 
From Here To Colostomy Demo (1999)
Impaled - From Here To Colostomy  	Demo1.1. Immaculate Defecation 
2.2. Flesh and Blood 
3.3. Faecal Rites 
4.4. From Here to Colostomy 
The Dead Shall Dead Remain (2000)
Impaled - The Dead Shall Dead Remain  	1.1. Introduction [watch video]
2.2. Faces of Death [watch video]
3.3. Flesh and Blood [watch video]
4.4. Trocar [watch video]
5.5. Spirits of the Dead [watch video]
6.6. Immaculate Defecation 
7.7. Faecal Rites [watch video]
8.8. Back to the Grave 
9.9. All That Rots 
10.10. Gorenography 
11.11. Blood Bath 
Choice Cuts-Best of (2001)
Impaled - Choice Cuts-Best of1.1. Night Soil 
2.2. Until Death 
3.3. Carneous Cacoffiny (Carcass cover) 
4.4. I Work for the Street Cleaner (Impetigo cover) 
5.5. All That Rots 
6.6. Spirits of the Dead 
7.7. Immaculate Defecation 
8.8. Flesh and Blood 
9.9. Fćcal Rites 
10.10. From Here To Colostomy 
11.11. With Shit I Am Adorned 
12.12. Ingestion of Colotomic Funk 
13.13. With Shit I Am Adorned 
Medical Waste EP (2002)
Impaled - Medical Waste EP1.1. Raise the Stakes 
2.2. The Hearse (Deadbolt cover) 
3.3. Choice Cuts 
4.4. Tourette's (Nirvana cover) 
5.5. Gross Anatomy 
6.6. Until Death... (Live) 
7.7. Back to the Grave (Live) 
Mondo Medicale (2002)
Impaled - Mondo Medicale1.1. The Hippocritic Oath 
2.2. Dead Inside 
3.3. Raise the Stakes 
4.4. Operating Theatre [watch video]
5.5. Choke On It 
6.6. We Belong Dead 
7.7. The Worms Crawl In 
8.8. To Die For 
9.9. Rest In Fćces 
10.10. Carpe Mortem 
Death After Life (2005)
Impaled - Death After Life1.1. Goreverture 
2.2. Mondo Medicale 
3.3. Gutless [watch video]
4.4. Theatre of Operations 
5.5. Preservation of Death [watch video]
6.6. Wrought In Hell 
7.7. Resurrectionists 
8.8. Critical Condition 
9.9. The Dead Shall Dead Remain 
10.10. Medical Waste 
11.11. Dead Alive 
12.12. Coda Morte 
Digital Autopsy EP (2007)
Impaled - Digital Autopsy EP1.1. Stools of the Trade 
2.2. Appendage Assemblage 
3.3. Exequies 
The Last Gasp (2007)
Impaled - The Last Gasp1.1. G.O.R.E. 
2.2. Sickness Is Health 
3.3. The Visible Man 
4.4. You are The Dead 
5.5. All Gut, No Glory 
6.6. Up The Dose 
7.7. Torture of Duty 
8.8. Masters of Ordure 
9.9. Right To Die 
10.10. Dawn of The Dread 
11.11. The Last Gasp 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GABO, 666DEATH METAL666, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, GrImM ReApEr, GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten, Nitroglicerin, kolo, LeviGotFingered, Kanwulf, Abominable Butcher, Turcsi, Metalmorphogenesis, Nammtar, Devoured By Vermin, Hellbull, Impaled, csiki06, forras, spongliii, omega_receptor

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