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Inveracity Ének : George
Basszus : John
Dob : Vagelis Voyiantzis
Gitár : Antonis

Forrás: MySpace

Albumok :

Defeated Human Raped (Demo) (2000)
Inveracity - Defeated Human Raped (Demo)1.Multiple Homidice 
2.Drowned Below 
3.Himiliated Mortal Remains 
4.Self Inflicted Torture 
5.I Stabbed Her Twice 
Insision / Inveracity (Split) (2002)
Inveracity - Insision / Inveracity (Split)1.Intro: Before My Altar 
2.Sado God 
3.Trapped Within 
4.Zombie Ritual (Death cover) 
5.Outro: The Revelation 
7.She Died in My Arms 
8.Self-Inflicted Torture 
9.Eaten Alive (Repulsion cover) 
Circle Of Perversion (2003)
Inveracity - Circle Of Perversion1.Savagely Beaten 
2.Repulsed By Vaginal Reek 
3.Fistfuck Sodomy 
6.Ejaculation Over Mutilation 
7.Blood Of Impurity 
8.Compulsive Degradation 
9.She Died In My Arms 
11.Multiple Homicide 
Rehearsal Promo (Demo) (2005)
Inveracity - Rehearsal Promo (Demo)1.Extermination of Millions 
2.Forced Prostitution 
3.Shrouded in Solitary 
4.Visions of Coming Apocalypse 
Extermination Of Millions (2007)
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions1.Exposing the Semihumans 
2.Visions of Coming Apocalypse 
3.Extermination of Millions 
4.Forced Prostitution 
5.Shrouded in Solitary 
6.Vicious Pretension 
7.Behind the Walls of Derangement 
9.Era of Submission 
11.Before the Uncreation 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
s3r14L, FistofGod, George Black, Nitroglicerin, Hellbull, Sin Cara, Barbar

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