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Jex Thoth Basszusgitár : Danny Gonzalez
Gitár : Matt Jacobs
Gitár : Brandon Newhouse
Ének : Jex Thoth
Dob : Nick Johnson
Wisconsini pszichedelikus/doom zene.

Albumok :

Pagan Altar / Jex Thoth (2007)
Jex Thoth - Pagan Altar / Jex Thoth1.Pagan Altar - Walking in the Dark 
2.Jex Thoth - Stone Evil 
Jex Thoth (2008)
Jex Thoth - Jex Thoth1.Nothing Left to Die 
2.The Banishment 
3.Obsidian Night 
4.Separated at Birth 
5.Son of Yule 
6.Warrior Woman 
7.Equinox Suite: The Poison Pit 
8.Equinox Suite: Thawing Magus 
9.Equinox Suite: Invocation Pt. 1 
10.Equinox Suite: The Damned and Divine 
11.When the Raven Calls (Bobb Trimble Cover) 
12.Stone Evil 
Totem (2009)
Jex Thoth - Totem1.Kagemni 
2.Luna Moth Speaks 
Witness (2010)
Jex Thoth - Witness1.Raven nor the Spirit 
2.Slow Rewind 
3.Mr Rainbow (Slapp Happy cover) 
Blood Moon Rise (2013)
Jex Thoth - Blood Moon Rise1.To Bury 
2.The Places You Walk 
3.The Divide 
4.Into a Sleep 
5.And the River Ran Dry 
6.Keep Your Weeds 
8.The Four of Us Are Dying 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Ashy Slashy, Deviant, narudautas, CutzlikearAzOR, MorbidDeathCult, Zero The Hero

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