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Lies Of The Machine ének : Dauda Judit
basszusgitár : Csóré Milán
dobok : Piskulic Zoltán Thor
ének, torokének, scream : Buza Balázs
billentyű : Gubicza Klára
gitár : Csendőr Balázs
The steam-powered metal, created from the amalgam of trash, industrial, folk and alter music. Wicked, distinctive, sometimes plain idiocy...but we love it!

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
The great god pan, Hrvatska, Equinox of the God, Necromancer, kovrt88, Kiborg_Molotov, IAO131, Navira, God of Equinox, Hiding Of Hadit, Moonlight Wanderer, GodofEquinox, Inhumanus, Eledir, Dance of the Plague, Zaum, Temple of the Hydra, Aiwass93, Golden Dawn, The Flying Dutchman, Kamupipőke, Armour Claw Ring, Mordia, Sostenuto e maestoso , Across The Rubicon , Professor Tauruscat, Triumph of Death, Emperor Waltz, Monstrous Goat, Fall of the damned, Eidolon, Herne the Hunter, Heren the Hunter

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