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  Vocals (1998-2006) : Gurge
Bass (1998-2006) : SCSI
Guitar (2002-2006) : Neil Smith
Dob (2001-2006) : Colon Bowel

Albumok :

Dark Lords of the Cyst (1999)
Lord Gore - Dark Lords of the Cyst1.Morguewhore 
2.Crash Course In Psychopathology 
3.Nekro-erotic Art 
4.The Forgotten Flesh 
Massive Deconstructive Surgery (2000)
Lord Gore - Massive Deconstructive Surgery1.Morgue Whore 
2.Krash Kourse In Psychopathology 
4.Nekro-Erotik Art 
5.The Forgotten Flesh 
6.Breakfast at the Manchester Morgue (Impetigo cover) - Retry 
The Autophagous Orgy (2002)
Lord Gore - The Autophagous Orgy1.Intro 
2.Morgue Whore [watch video]
3.Krash Kourse in Psychopathology 
4.Rape Camp 
5.The Forgotten Flesh 
6.The Last Supper (The Autophagus) 
7.Involuntary Vaginal Vermin Slut 
8.Post Coital Eruption 
9.Nekro-Erotic Art 
10.Zombie Molestation (Raped by the Dead). 
11.Lord Gore 
12.Breakfast at the Manchester Morgue (Impetigo cover) 
Resickened (2004)
Lord Gore - Resickened1.Intro 
2.Gastric Gore-Met 
4.Liquid Lunch [watch video]
8.Human Bot-Fly 
10.Kicked To Death 
11.Son Of Forgotten Flesh 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
BELEZŐ, Nitroglicerin, Abominable Butcher, Grinder, tomboftime, Lajszi, szbptr

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