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Lunarsea Growls and Scream : Filippo Palma
Guitars & Synth : Fabiano Romagnoli
Guitars : Emiliano Pacioni
Bass & Vocals : Cristian Antolini
Drums : Stuart Franzoni
The band's history begins during the recording sessions of the first promo of HOLLOWEARTH, a power prog band made up of Angelo Musmeci, Fabiano Romagnoli, Cristian Antolini, Ivan Nastasi, Stuart Franzoni. Just before debuting, three of us, Fabiano Angelo and Christian, decided to leave the band because of music disagreements, causing the following breaking up of it. We decided to dedicate ourselves to another project, characterized of a new death-metal taste, abandoning the melodic vein peculiarity of the previous Hollowearth period.During the spring we started to compose the songs of our debut-promo entitled "EVOLUTION PLAN.TXT" with the monicker Lunarsea, Made up of 4 songs, recorded during the summer in the Music Farm Studio of Fabiano and finished in the early October 2003.After the launching to webzines, record companies and so on, and after finding a general approval of our work, we realized that this band could mean something new in the underground movement of melodic death metal, but we needed to personalize more our sound to make Lunarsea really unique.Thus we dedicated ourselves to the composition of new songs, trying new different harmonic structures, made up of melodic Death-metal core, and blast beat parts combined with clean vocals, and some progressive-synth elements. Following this new conception of style, we birth the second promo entitled "BIO ASHESH HALO", made up of 4 songs and a cover by Police.After one year, we get in touch with BURNING STAR RECORDS, a greek label that offer us a contract for the release of our debut album. So, after some months spent in re-record the previous promos and a couple of new songs, in April 2006 we release "HYDRODYNAMIC WAVE", out worldwide by different distributors. We was in Athens for a Promotiomal Tour, where we were interviewed by locals magazines and radios and also we got the opportunity to make a Pre-listening party in the famous TEXAS CLUB.Burning Star Records helped us to spread our music all over the world with a good distribution in such country like U.S.A and JAPAN and many good reviews were written from web-zines and magazines.That was the time were we shoot our first video ever, from the song BESIDE THE DRIVER, directed by Federico Ferrari. After the Release of HYDRODYNAMIC WAVE we started our Live activity and we got the oppurtunities to play in such Festival like the Italian GODS OF METAL(edition 2007) or the Greek METAL HEALING FESTIVAL taked place in Xanthi on 21 july 2007. Also we played a couple of gigs outside Italy, like on November 2006 at BUDAPEST(hungary) or at BURNING STAR FESTIVAL at Uderworld club in ATHENS(greece) on February 2007 We will never forget FRANCESCO MARTINO who was our drummer for a short period of time, amd now he's watching us from heaven. God bless you brother.Past Members: Angelo Musmeci(Singer 2003-2006) , Claudio Testini (Drummer 2004-2006) , Alessio Colonna (Drummer 2007)

Albumok :

Lunarsea - EVOLUTION PLAN.TXT1.Evolution Plan.txt 
2.The Smokers 
3.And The Gardens Of Jades Remainded Void... 
4.Space From Porthole 
Lunarsea - BIO ASHESH HALO1.Beside The Driver 
2.Dead End Road, He Walked 
3.Solstice Woman 
4.Tales Of n.d.e. 
5.Truth Hits Everybody (Police Cover) 
Lunarsea - HYDRODYNAMIC WAVE  1.Beside The Driver 
2.Hate Net On Barren Heart 
3.Dead End Road, He Walked 
5.Still Age, Still Time 
6.Solstice Woman 
7.Evolution Plan.txt 
8.The Smokers 
9.Onirica Frequencies 
10.And The Gardens Of Jades Remainded Void.. 
11.Tales Of n.d.e. 
Lunarsea - ROUTE CODE SELECTOR 1.Magnitude 9.6 
3.In a Firmness Loop Day 
4.The Apostate 
6.Five-Sided Platform Shape 
7.Found Me Cryogenized 
8.Infinite Process One 
9.Suphur’s Song, The Swan Died 
10.Subspace Transition 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
arky, Balukapitany

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