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Macrodex Guitar : Mattias Kennhed
Bass : Jari Riutanheimo
Drums : Jani Mylläringen
Vocals,guitar : Roger Petterson

Albumok :

Disgorged to Carrion(demo) (1989)
Macrodex - Disgorged to Carrion(demo)1.Intro 
2.Eternal Hate 
3.I Let You Die 
4.Rest In Pieces 
5.Leave Your Soul 
6.Deleted Life 
Infernal Excess(demo) (1989)
Macrodex - Infernal Excess(demo)1.Reborn Through Hate 
2.Altar of Death 
3.Anticipated Destiny 
4.Infernal Excess 
Remains of a Lost Life(demo) (1990)
2.Remains Of A Lost Life 
3.After Life Guaranteed 
Demo IV(demo) (1991)
2.World Of Nothingness 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Metalmorphogenesis, tökömbe, Harambe lives, Kerub, siccu

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