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Misery Index Ének / Basszer : Jason Netherton
Gitár : Sparky Voyles
Gitár : Mark Kloeppel
Dob : Adam Jarvis

Albumok :

Misery Index - RETALIATE1.Retaliate 
2.The Lies That Bind 
3.The Great Depression 
4.Angst Isst Die Seele Auf (Anxiety Eats the Soul Up) 
5.Demand the Impossible 
6.Order Upheld / Dissent Dissolved 
7.Servants of Progress 
8.The Unbridgeable Chasm 
9.Bottom Feeders 
10.History Is Rotten 
Misery Index - DISCORDIA1.Unmarked Graves 
3.Outsourcing Jehovah 
4.Breathing Pestilence 
5.Meet Reality 
6.Sensory Deprivation 
7.The Medusa Stare 
8.Dystopian Nightmares 
Misery Index - TRAITORS1.We Never Come In Peace (Intro) 
3.Partisans Of Grief 
5.Ghosts Of Catalonia 
7.Thrown Into The Sun 
8.Black Sites 
9.American Idolatry 
10.Ruling Class Cancelled 
Pulling Out The Nails (BEST OF) (2010)
Misery Index - Pulling Out The Nails (BEST OF)1.Manufacturing Greed 
2.Your Pain Is Nothing 
3.Blood On Their Hands 
4.Pulling Out the Nails 
5.Dead Shall Rise 
6.My Untold Apocalype 
8.Reality Distortion (Disrupt cover) 
9.Sheep And Wolves 
10.Exception To The Ruled 
11.The Imperial Ambition 
12.Multiply By Fire 
13.Defector (Thinning The Herd) 
15.Walls Of Confinement (Napalm Death cover) 
16.Scene and Not Heard 
17.Hang `em High 
18.Love It or Leave It 
19.Discordia (Acoustic Version) 
20.Ruling Class Cancelled 
21.49 Second of Hate 
22.The Color of Blood 
23.Meet Reality 
24.The Living Shall Envy the Dead 
25.Demand the Impossible 
27.Screaming at a wall (Minor Threat cover) 
28.Alive? (Live) 
29.My Untold Apocalypse (Live) 
30.Manufacturing Greed (Live) 
Misery Index - HEIRS TO THIEVERY1.Embracing Extinction 
2.Fed to the Wolves 
3.The Carrion Call 
4.Heirs to Thievery 
5.The Spectator 
6.The Illuminaught 
7.The Seventh Cavalry 
8.Plague of Objects 
9.You Lose 
10.Sleeping Giants 
11.Day of the Dead 
The Killing Gods (2014)
Misery Index - The Killing Gods1.Urfaust 
2.The Calling 
3.The Oath 
4.Conjuring the Cull 
5.The Harrowing 
6.The Killing Gods 
7.Cross to Bear 
8.Gallows Humor 
9.The Weakener 
11.Colony Collapse 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
WARHEAD, Pityke Őrmester, Nitroglicerin, Lilith, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Bandyka666, GrImM ReApEr, Wiwczarek, Matt Corter, wet nightmare, Ates, ixes, Silchas Ruin, Punk Guy, 666DEATH METAL666, Devastatus, OutbreakOfEvil, gerinc, Widowmaker, rio89, zsoze666, SANyI_ka, Shaffy the Grindcore Joe, Mortician, Dreco, BoRiSz_BeEr, bterv666, TELIHOLD , Samshuk, zahir, nasum87, Crag, Hellbull, NAGLFAR666, Spitfire88, 5 pONtosan az 8, BélaFilth, feri_horog, Spongliii, Dzsiodu, Barbar, poison93

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HungAryan Metal Terrorist
HungAryan Metal Terrorist
2013.12.28. 11:01:10
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