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Morgana Lefay (known as Damage from 1986 until 1989) is a power/thrash metal band from the town Bollnäs in Sweden. It is named after Morgan Le Fay of the Arthurian cycle.[citation needed] In 1990 they released their first album, the independently released Symphony of the Damned. The success of Damned allowed the band to tour and eventually landed them with Black Mark records.[1] In May 2006 drummer Robin Engström left the band because of 'personal differences'. Later that month, Pelle Åkerlind became the new permanent drummer. In late August 2006 the band went into Studio Soundcreation to record a new album (titled Aberrations Of The Mind), it was released on March 19, 2007. It was the first album with Åkerlind on drums. In 1997, Morgana Lefay split up. Persson, Heder and Söderlind kept the name. Meantime, Rytkönen and Eriksson were joined by drummer Robin Engström (formerly of M.I.D., Dark Tranquillity, and Fantasmagoria), and continued under the name Lefay, changing record their label to Noise Records. After releasing three albums, they got back the name Morgana Lefay when they returned to Black Mark Records. The albums The Seventh Seal, Symphony Of The Damned, re-symphonised and S.O.S were made when the band was called Lefay. In 1999, a self-titled album was made with Thomas Persson on guitar.
Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Markozz, Metalfanatic, Ruina, Csinvcsuvsz brivlifájvsz rilli don héjvsz

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2012.06.01. 18:06:40
meg nem foglalkoztam ennek a kitoltesevel :)

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