Morgoth logo
Morgoth vocals, bass : Marc Grewe
guitars : Harold Busse
guitars : Carsten Otterbach
bass : Sebastian Swart
drums/keyboards : Rüdiger Hennecke
session drummer : Markus Freiwald

Albumok :

Pits of Utumno (demo) (1988) (1988)
Morgoth - Pits of Utumno (demo) (1988)1.From dusk to dawn 5:33 
2.Being boiled 3:53 
3.Eternal sanctity 2:21 
4.Pits of utumno 4:32 
5.The beyond 2:16 
6.Dance their dance 3:05 
Resurrection Absurd (vinyl) (1989) (1989)
Morgoth - Resurrection Absurd (vinyl) (1989)1.Dictated deliverance 
3.The afterthought 
4.Selected killing 
5.Lies of distrust 
The Eternal Fall (vinyl) (1990) (1990)
Morgoth - The Eternal Fall (vinyl) (1990)1.Burnt identity 
2.Female infanticide 
3.White gallery 
4.Pits of utumno 
5.Eternal sanctity 
The Eternal Fall / Resurrection Absurd (1990) (1990)
Morgoth - The Eternal Fall / Resurrection Absurd (1990)1.Burnt identity 3:53 
2.Female infanticide 3:13 
3.White gallery 4:06 
4.Pits of utumno 4:37 
5.Eternal sanctity 2:13 
6.Dictated deliverance 3:06 
7.Travel 5:08 
8.The afterthought 3:23 
9.Selected killing 6:36 
10.Lies of distrust 4:37 
Cursed (1992) (1992)
Morgoth - Cursed (1992)1.Cursed 2:05 
2.Body count 3:36 
3.Exit to temptation 6:03 
4.Unreal imagination 3:30 
5.Isolated 5:25 
6.Sold baptism 3:41 
7.Suffer life 4:26 
8.Opportunity is gone 7:21 
9.Darkness 3:55 
Odium (1994) (1994)
Morgoth - Odium (1994)1.Resistance 4:48 
2.The art of sinking 3:31 
3.Submission 5:12 
4.Under the surface 5:22 
5.Drowning sun 5:12 
6.War inside 4:39 
7.Golden age 7:13 
8.Odium 6:16 
Feel Sorry for the Fanatic (1996) (1996)
Morgoth - Feel Sorry for the Fanatic (1996)1.This fantastic decade 3:24 
2.Last laugh 4:23 
3.Cash... 3:48 
4....And its amazing consequences 2:25 
5.Curiosity 4:22 
6.Forgotten days 4:50 
7.Souls on a pleasuretrip 4:18 
8.Graceland 4:20 
9.Watch the fortune wheel 5:33 
10.A new start 5:17 
1987 - 1997 - The best of Morgoth (2005) (2005)
Morgoth - 1987 - 1997 - The best of Morgoth (2005)1.Selected Killing 6:39 
2.Lies Of Distrust 4:39 
3.Travel 5:09 
4.Burnt Identity 3:52 
5.White Gallery 4:07 
6.Pits Of Utumno 4:39 
7.Body Count 3:38 
8.Isolated 5:24 
9.Sold Baptism 3:41 
10.Resistance 4:49 
11.Under The Surface 5:23 
12.Drowning Sun 5:14 
13.The Fantastic Decade 3:23 
14.Graceland 4:21 
15.Last Laugh 4:23 
16.From Dusk To Dawn 5:33 
17.Being Boiled 3:53 
18.Eternal Sanctity 2:21 
19.Pits Of Utumno 4:3 
20.The Beyond 2:16 
21.Dance Their Dance 3:05 
22.Golden Age 3:35 
23.TV War 5:19 
24.Indifferent 3:56 
25.Isolated 55 Mb video 
26.Cursed & Sold Baptism 56 Mb video 
27.Under The Surface 46 Mb video 
28.Last Laugh 42 Mb video 
29.Body Count 42 Mb video: Live In Chemnitz 18. Juni 1993 
30.Resistance 49 Mb video 

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Hozzászólások :
2011.09.24. 22:20:15
Az Odium igen SÚLYOS és KOMOR album.Ajánlott minden mizantrópnak.

*módosítva: 2011-12-31 17:59:18

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