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Nunslaughter Vokálok, basszus : Don of the Dead
Basszus : Reaper
Gitár : Jack Massacre
Dobok : Jim Sadist
ex-Vokál : Gregoroth
ex-Dobok : Behemoth Bill
ex-Dobok : John Sicko
ex-Dobok : Von the Impaler
ex-Dobok : Mark Perversion
ex-Gitár : Duaniac
ex-Gitár : Rick Metz
ex-Gitár : Brian Sekula
ex-Gitár : Todd "Blood" Thozeski
ex-Gitár : Megiddo
ex-Gitár : Jer the Butcher
ex-Gitár : The Deserter
ex-Basszus : Grim
ex-Basszus : Chris Pello
ex-Basszus : Rob Lesniak
ex-Basszus : Insidious
ex-Basszus : Black Priest
ex-Basszus : Abysmal
ex-Basszus : Wire
Amerikai old-school death metal zenekar. Számos demot, splitet, élõ felvételt, EP-t adtak már ki.

Albumok :

Ritual of Darkness (1987)
Nunslaughter - Ritual of Darkness1.I Am Death 
2.Hell`s Unholy Fire 
3.Killed by the Cross 
4.Nun Slaughter 
Rotting Christ (1988)
Nunslaughter - Rotting Christ1.Burn in Hell 
2.Hell`s Unholy Fire 
3.Death by the Dead 
4.Killed by the Cross 
6.I Am Death 
Killed By The Cross (1990)
Nunslaughter - Killed By The Cross 1.Burn in Hell 
2.Hell`s Unholy Fire 
3.Death by the Dead 
4.Killed by the Cross 
5.I Am Death 
Impale the Soul of Christ on the Inverted Cross of Death (1991)
Nunslaughter - Impale the Soul of Christ on the Inverted Cross of Death 1.Impale the Soul of Christ on the Inverted Cross of Death 
2.Blasphemy of the Flesh 
3.Perversion of Gore 
4.Seas of Blood 
5.Altar of the Dead 
6.Inverted Churches 
7.Alive but Dead 
8.Burn in Hell 
The Guts of Christ (1993)
Nunslaughter - The Guts of Christ1.Ritual of Darkness 
2.Guts of Christ 
3.Sacrificial Zombie 
4.You Bleed 
5.Church of Disgust 
Face of Evil (1995)
Nunslaughter - Face of Evil1.Power of Darkness 
4.To Defile 
6.Face of Evil 
7.Slaughter the Heavens 
Nunslaughter / Bloodsick split (1997)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter / Bloodsick split1.I.N.R.I. 
2.Power of Darkness 
3.Sacrifice (Sacrifice cover) 
Nunslaughter / Dekapitator split (1998)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter / Dekapitator split1.Emperor in Hell 
2.The Demon`s Gate 
3.Bring Me the Head of God 
Trafficking With the Devil (1999)
Nunslaughter - Trafficking With the Devil1.If the Dead Could Speak 
2.Devil Metal 
3.Black Beast 
Evil Speaks (1999)
Nunslaughter - Evil Speaks1.Church Bizarre 
2.Poisoned Priest 
3.Armies of the Dead 
Blood Devil (1999)
Nunslaughter - Blood Devil 1.Church Bizarre 
2.Midnight Mass 
4.It Is I 
5.Poisoned Priest 
Hell's Unholy Fire (2000)
Nunslaughter - Hell1.I Am Death 
2.Death by the Dead 
4.The Dead Plague 
5.Hell`s Unholy Fire 
6.Killed by the Cross 
7.Burning Away 
9.Burn in Hell 
11.Seas of Blood 
12.Inverted Churches 
13.Blood for Blood 
14.Impale the Soul... 
15.Altar of the Dead 
16.Buried Alive 
17.Perversion of Gore 
Trifurcate (2000)
Nunslaughter - Trifurcate1.Fire 
2.Obsessed with the Visions of the Satanic Priest 
3.Athiest Ways 
4.The Fucking Witch 
Hell On Belgium (2001)
Nunslaughter - Hell On Belgium 1.In the Graveyard 
2.Obessesed with the Visions of a Satanic Priest 
3.Burn in Hell 
4.Burning away 
Hell On Germany (2001)
Nunslaughter - Hell On Germany1.Face of Evil 
2.Emperor in Hell 
3.Dead Plague 
4.Midnight Mass 
5.Killed by the Cross 
Hell on Switzerland (2001)
Nunslaughter - Hell on Switzerland1.Fire 
2.Power of Darkness 
3.Blood for Blood 
4.The Fucking Witch 
5.I Am Death 
Rehearsal 1987 (2001)
Nunslaughter - Rehearsal 1987 1.I am Death 
3.Hell`s Unholy Fire 
4.Killed by the Cross 
Devil Metal (2001)
Nunslaughter - Devil Metal1.Intro 
2.Emperor in Hell 
3.The Dead Plague 
4.It Is I 
5.Blood for Blood 
6.Killed by the Cross 
8.The Fucking Witch 
9.Burn in Hell 
10.Altar of the Dead 
11.Midnight Mass 
14.Death by the Dead 
15.Obsessed with the Visions of a Satanic Priest 
16.The Dead Plague 
18.In the Graveyard 
19.The Black Horn of the Ram 
20.Midnight Mass 
21.Devil Metal 
22.Atheist Ways 
One Night in Hell (2001)
Nunslaughter - One Night in Hell 1.Fire 
2.Death by the Dead 
3.Obsessed with the Visions of a Satanic Priest 
4.The Dead Plague 
6.Power of Darkness 
7.I Saw Your God Die 
8.In the Graveyard 
9.Church Bizarre 
10.Midnight Mass 
11.Killed by the Cross 
12.Devil Metal 
13.Your Lord Deformed 
14.Black Horn of the Ram 
15.Emperor in Hell 
16.Bring Me the Head of God 
17.Atheist Ways 
Satan is Metal's Master/Sperm of the Antichrist (2001)
Nunslaughter - Satan is Metal1.In the Graveyard 
3.Hellchild (Venom Cover) 
Radio Damnation (2001)
Nunslaughter - Radio Damnation 1.Fire 
2.Obsessed with the Visions of a Satanic Priest 
3.Midnight Mass 
4.Killed by the Cross 
5.Emperor in Hell 
6.Power of Darkness 
7.Devil Metal 
8.Death by the Dead 
9.Atheist Ways 
10.I Am Death 
11.Church Bizarre 
12.The Dead Plague 
13.Altar of the Dead 
14.Blood for Blood 
15.Black Horn of the Ram 
17.It Is I 
18.The Devil 
19.Burn in Hell 
21.Poisoned Priest 
22.Hellchild (Venom cover) 
Nunslaughter / Dr. Shrinker (2001)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter / Dr. Shrinker 1.Ouija 
2.I Saw Your God Die 
Nunslaughter (2002)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter 1.Death by the Dead 
2.Dead Plague 
3.Hells Unholy Fire 
6.The Fucking Witch 
7.Atheist Ways 
8.Black Horn of the Ram 
10.Midnight Mass 
11.Black Beast 
12.Devil Metal 
13.Bring Me the Head of God 
14.Demons Gate 
15.Power of Darkness 
18.Burn in Hell 
Waiting To Kill Christ (2002)
Nunslaughter - Waiting To Kill Christ 1.The Dead Plague 
2.Midnight Mass 
3.Death by the Dead 
4.In the Graveyard 
6.I Saw Your God Die 
7.Power of Darkness 
8.Obsessed with the Visions of a Satanic Priest 
9.Altar of the Dead 
10.The Fucking Witch 
13.Bring Me the Head of God 
14.If the Dead Could Speak / Devil Metal 
15.It Is I 
16.Black Horn of the Ram 
17.As the Cacodemons Feast 
18.Your Lord Deformed 
19.Atheist Ways 
20.Killed by the Cross 
21.Church Bizarre 
22.Emperor in Hell 
24.Burn in Hell 
Nunslaughter / Cianide (2002)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter / Cianide 1.Sickened by the Sight of Christ 
Goat (2003)
Nunslaughter - Goat1.The Crowned and Conquering Hag 
2.You Bleed 
3.She Lives by Night 
4.Sacrificial Zombie 
5.Immune to Poison 
6.Raid the Convent 
7.As the Cacodemons Feast 
8.Church of Disgust 
9.Satanic Slut 
10.Ritual of Darkness 
11.The Guts of Christ 
12.Thou Art in the Kingdom of Hell 
13.Angel Hunt 
14.The Sephiroth 
15.Jesus is Doomed 
16.Preacher (Running Wild cover) 
Hex (2007)
Nunslaughter - Hex1.The is Fucking War 
2.I Hate Christians 
4.To Defile 
9.Smell the Burning Churches 
10.Face of Evil 
12.My Evil Concubine 
13.Slaughter the Heavens 
14.No Place for the Cross 
15.Rebuilding Sodom 
16.Riders of the Apocalypse 
17.Power of Darkness 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
HungAryan Metal Terrorist, RIP696, Graaaaaaaaaa, Yeti1349, 666DEATH METAL666, tttt, Morfium, Myr, Vagina Dentata, Schuldiner, Kinizsi Pál, deathjani, Massacrschmitt, Audrey, Preyer, varvila, Nunslaughter, Gemini, Armour Claw Ring, KVLTSCHKOW

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