Order of the Ebon Hand logo
Order of the Ebon Hand Ének,Basszusgitár : Merkaal
Gitár : Phlaigon
Dobok,Billennyűk : Lethe
An Armor Thrull, bred to be skinned for use by the Order of the Ebon Hand.

Albumok :

The Mystic Path to the Netherworld (1997)
Order of the Ebon Hand - The Mystic Path to the Netherworld 1.Unbroken Vow 
2.Under the Pale Moonlight 
3.While the Gods Laugh 
4.Fallen Hierarchy 
5.Tears in Red 
6.Orion`s Astron 
7.Behold the Sign of a New Era 
9.The Skull / The Mystic Path to the Netherworld 
XV : The Devil (2005)
Order of the Ebon Hand - XV : The Devil 1.For Marchosias 
2.To Alloces 
3.Gateway to Silence 
4.The Visitors 
6.To Gremory 
8.The Swordwraith (Unbroken Vow II) 
9.(You Are) The Gleaming King 
Two Years Standing Proud in Valhalla (2006)
Order of the Ebon Hand - Two Years Standing Proud in Valhalla 1.Through Blood By Thunder (Bathory cover) 
2.A Fine Day to Die (Bathory cover) 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GrImM ReApEr, GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten, B L A C K M E T A L

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