Placenta logo
Placenta Basszus : Florin
Dob : Tobi Stein
Gitár : Jens Fischer
Gitár : Micha
Ének : Sven Berlin

Albumok :

Human Abyss (2007)
Placenta - Human Abyss1.Human Abyss 
2.One Revenge and Two Fists 
4.Prisom Prism 
6.Dead Meat 
8.Our Lovely Middlefingers 
9.Attention please: Official Hate 
10.Lip Read Limbus 
Fixed Action Pattern (2009)
Placenta - Fixed Action Pattern1.White Chicks Don`t Chug a Lug 
2.Fixed Action Pattern 
3.Fame by Name 
4.Brutal: 5 on 1 
5.3 Minutes Rape 
6.Pinocchio Stretches Woodenly in the Forest 
7.Simon Says 
9.Puking Reverse Is a Slow Motion Massacre 
10.The Shape of Death to Come 
11.Human Abyss (Bonus Track) 
12.Prison Prism (Bonus Track) 
13.Our Lovely Middlefingers (Bonus Track) 

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