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Poltergeist Basszusgitár : Marek Felis
Dob : Peter Haas
Gitár : V.O. Pulver
Ének : André Grieder
* : *
ex-Basszusgitár : Graf
ex-Basszusgitár : Thomas Steiner
ex-Dob : R.H. "Jazzi" Heer
ex-Dob : Alex
ex-Dob : Walter Schäfer
1985-ben alakult svájci Thrash/Speed Metal zenekar. 1994-ben feloszlottak. Énekesük, André Grieder szerepelt a Destruction - Cracked Brain címû albumán.

Albumok :

1st Demo (Demo) (1987)
Poltergeist - 1st Demo (Demo)1.Intro 
3.No More Faith 
Writing on the Wall (Demo) (1988)
Poltergeist - Writing on the Wall (Demo)1.Writing on the Wall 
2.Inner Space 
3.Shooting Star 
You've Learned Your Lesson (Split 7"Ep w. Liar) (1989)
 1.You`ve Learned Your Lesson 
Depression (1989)
Poltergeist - Depression1.Three Hills [watch video]
2.Depression [watch video]
3.Inner Space [watch video]
4.Writing On The Wall [watch video]
5.Wheels Of Sansara [watch video]
6.You`ve Learned Your Lesson [watch video]
7.Prophet [watch video]
8.Ziita [watch video]
9.Shooting Star [watch video]
Behind My Mask (1991)
Poltergeist - Behind My Mask1.We Are The People [watch video]
2.Behind My Mask [watch video]
3.Act of Violence [watch video]
4.Grey [watch video]
5.Delusion [watch video]
6.Drilled to Kill [watch video]
7.Make Your Choice [watch video]
8.Chato`s Land [watch video]
9.Still Alive [watch video]
10.Driftin` Away [watch video]
Promo-Demo '91 (1991)
Poltergeist - Promo-Demo 1.Tell Me 
2.Nothing Lasts Forever 
3.Those Were Better Days 
Tell Me/Nothing Lasts Forever (7"Ep) (1992)
Poltergeist - Tell Me/Nothing Lasts Forever (7"Ep)1.Tell me 
2.Nothing lasts forever 
Nothing Lasts Forever (1993)
Poltergeist - Nothing Lasts Forever1.Only You Remain 
2.Empty Inside 
3.Those Were Better Days 
4.Just Doin` My Job 
5.Never Again 
6.Haunted House 
7.Nothing Lasts Forever 
8.You`ve Seen The Future 
9.Tell Me 
10.Darken My Mind 
11.Living For The Game 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
tuka-trúka, Thrashin Devil, Gerhard, Sodomka, a kecskepásztor, Sörfőzdei Fosztogató, dregelyAK

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