Dawn of the Iconoclast 7 (1992) |
 | 1. | The Nereid Of Esgalduin | 2. | Vicious Joy & Black Delight |
Thanatiphoro Anthologio (2007) |
 | 1. | The Nereid of Esgalduin | 2. | The Mystical Meeting | 3. | Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4. | The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 5. | The Sign of Evil Existence | 6. | Non Serviam | 7. | King of a Stellar War | 8. | Archon | 9. | Shadows Follow | 10. | Sorrowfull Farewell | 11. | Semigod | 12. | Out of Spirits | 13. | Der Perfekte Traum | 14. | After Dark I Feel | 15. | Cold Colours | 16. | Thou Art Blind | 17. | You Are I | 18. | In Domine Sathana | 19. | Quintessence | 20. | Under the Name of Legion | 21. | Athanati Este | 22. | You My Cross | 23. | Keravnos Kivernitos | 24. | Nemecic |
Semigods of the Serpent Cult (2009) |
 | 1. | King of the Stellar War | 2. | One With the Forest | 3. | Out of Spirits | 4. | Ira Incensus | 5. | Cold Colours | 6. | After Dark I Feel | 7. | Thou Art Blind | 8. | If It Ends Tomorrow | 9. | Daemons | 10. | The Call of the Aethyrs | 11. | Athanatoi Este | 12. | Serve in Heaven | 13. | Der Perfekte Traum |
Aealo (2010) |
 | 1. | Aealo | 2. | Eon Aenaos | 3. | Demonon Vrosis | 4. | Noctis Era | 5. | dub-sag-ta-ke | 6. | Fire, Death and Fear | 7. | Nekron lahes... | 8. | ...Pir Threontai | 9. | Thou Art Lord | 10. | Santa Muerte | 11. | Orders From the Dead (Diamanda Galas cover) |
Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού (2013) |
 | 1. | In Yumen - Xibalba | 2. | P`unchaw kachun - Tuta kachun | 3. | Grandis Spiritus Diavolos | 4. | Κατά τον Δαίμονα του Ἐαυτού | 5. | Cine iubeşte şi lasă | 6. | Iwa Voodoo | 7. | Gilgameš | 8. | Русалка | 9. | Ahura Mazdā-Aŋra Mainiuu | 10. | Χ ξ ς |
Rituals (2016) |
 | 1. | In Nomine Dei Nostri | 2. | זה נגמר (Ze Nigmar) | 3. | Ἐλθὲ κύριε (Elthe Kyrie) | 4. | Les Litanies de Satan (Les Fleurs du Mal) | 5. | Ἄπαγε Σατανά (Apage Satana) | 6. | Του θάνατου (Tou Thanatou) | 7. | For a Voice like Thunder | 8. | Konx om Pax | 9. | देवदेवं (Devadevam) | 10. | The Four Horsemen |