Red Hot Chilli Peppers logo
Red Hot Chilli Peppers ének (1983-) : Anthony Kiedis
basszusgitár (1983-) : Flea (Michael Balzary)
dob (1988-) : Chad Smith
gitár, vokál (1988-1992; 1998-2009) : John Frusciante
gitár (1983; 1985-1988) : Hillel Slovak
gitár (1983) : Dix Denney
gitár (1983-1985) : Jack Sherman
gitár (1988-1989) : Dwayne 'Blackbird' McKnight
gitár (1992-1993) : Arik Marshall
gitár (1993) : Jesse Tobias
gitár (1993-1998) : Dave Navarro
dob (1983; 1986-1988) : Jack Irons
dob (1983-1985) : Cliff Matinez
dob (1988-1989) : Trey Wingo
dob (1988) : D.H.Peligro
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Albumok :

Red Hot Chili Peppers (1984)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Red Hot Chili Peppers 1.True men don`t kill Coyotes 
2.Baby appeal 
3.Buckle down 
4.Get up and jump 
5.Why don`t you love me 
6.Green heaven 
7.Mommy where`s daddy 
8.Out in L.A. 
9.Police helicopter 
10.You always sing the same 
11.Grand pappy du plenty 
Freaky Styley (1985)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Freaky Styley1.Jungle man 
3.American ghost dance 
4.If you want me to stay 
6.Freaky styley 
7.Blackeyed blonde 
8.The brothers cup 
9.Battle ship 
10.Lovin` and touchin` 
11.Catholic school girls rule 
12.Sex rap 
13.Thirty dirty birds 
14.Yertle the turtle 
The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - The Uplift Mofo Party Plan1.Fight like a brave 
2.Funky crime 
3.Me and my friends 
5.Behind the sun 
6.Skinny sweaty man 
7.Subterranean homesick blues 
8.Special secret song inside 
9.No chump love sucker 
10.Walkin` on down the road 
11.Love trilogy 
12.Organic anti-beat box band 
Mother's milk (1989)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Mother1.Good time boys 
2.Higher ground 
3.Subway to Venus 
4.Magic Johnson 
5.Nobody weird like me 
6.Knock me down 
7.Taste the pain 
8.Stone cold bush 
10.Pretty little Ditty 
11.Punk rock classic 
12.Sexy Mexican maid 
13.Johnny, kick a hole in the sky 
Blood sugar sex magic (1991)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Blood sugar sex magic1.The power of equality 
2.If you have to ask 
3.Breaking the girl 
4.Funky monks 
5.Suck my kiss 
6.I could have lied 
7.Mellowship slinky in B major 
8.The righteous and the wicked 
9.Give it away [watch video]
10.Blood sugar sex magic 
11.Under the bridge 
12.Naked in the rain 
13.Apache rose peacock 
14.The greeting song 
15.My lovely man 
16.Sir Psycho Sexy 
17.They`re Red Hot 
One hot minute (1995) (1995)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - One hot minute (1995)1.Warped 
3.Deep kick 
4.My friends 
6.One big mob 
9.One hot minute 
10.Falling into grace 
11.Shallow by the game 
Californication (1999)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication1.Around the world 
2.Parallel universe 
3.Scar tissue 
5.Get on top 
6.Californication [watch video]
9.Emmit remmus 
10.I like dirt 
11.The velvet glove 
13.Right on time 
14.Road trippin` 
By the way (2002)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - By the way1.By the way 
2.Universally speaking 
3.This is the place 
5.Don`t forget me 
6.The zephyr song 
7.Can`t stop 
8.I could die for you 
10.Throw away your television 
13.On Mercury 
14.Minor thing 
15.Warm tape 
16.Venice Queen 
I'm With You (2011)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - I1.Monarchy of Roses 
2.Factory of Faith 
3.Brendan`s Death Song 
5.Annie Wants a Baby 
6.Look Around 
7.The Adventures of Rain Danc... 
8.Did I Let You Know 
9.Goodbye Hooray 
10.Happiness Loves Company 
11.Police Station 
12.Even You Brutus? 
13.Meet Me At the Corner 
14.Dance, Dance, Dance 

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