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Sextrash ének : Doom
gitár : Marck Monthebar
bassz : Tomy Simmons Krueger
dobok : Quake
Old school brazil thrash/death metal zenekar, perverz szexuális szövegvilággal.

Albumok :

Rehearsal demo (1988)
 1.Intro/Alcoholic Mosh 
2.Night Pigs 
3.The Insatiable Pleasure Of Delight 
4.Jack The Ripper 
5.Seduced By Evil 
6.Extreme Noise Terror 
Sadistic Screams demo (1988)
 1.Sadistic Screams 
2.Jack the Ripper 
XXX Ep (1989)
Sextrash - XXX Ep1.Jack The Ripper 
2.Sadistic Screams 
3.Extreme Noise Terror 
Sexual Carnage (1990)
Sextrash - Sexual Carnage 1.Intro 
3.Delirium Tremens 
4.The Insatiable Pleasure of Delight 
5.Seduced By Evil 
6.Alcoholic Mosh 
7.Obscene Symphony 
8.Black Church 
9.Night Pigs 
10.Genital Tumor 
Funeral Serenade (1992)
Sextrash - Funeral Serenade 1.Intro 
2.Funeral Serenade 
3.Dead Man Visions 
5.Wind Assassin 
6.Prohibited Angels 
7.Make Sex Not War 
8.Torment Of A Suicide 
9.Your Future 
Third World / XXX (1993)
Sextrash - Third World / XXX 1.Mosh!!!! 
2.Third World 
3.Homicidal Paranoid 
4.Military Nightmare 
5.Jack The Ripper 
6.Sadistic Screams 
7.Extreme Noise Terror 
Rape from Hell (2006)
Sextrash - Rape from Hell 1.Suck Me 
2.Brutal Sex 
3.Chemical Orgy 
4.Fuck in All 
5.Possessed by Cruelty 
6.Maze of the Damn Madness 
7.Rape from Hell 
8.Lust, Money and Violence 
9.Obscure Doors 
10.Sweet Suffering 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
JIMMBO, morgul, galaktikus galóca, konszaj, Thrashin Devil, Kinizsi Pál, deathdoom, Preyer, labrujamaldita

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