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Sister Sin Vocals : Liv Jagrell
Guitar (Maleficio, Archangel) : Jimmy Hiltula
Bass : Benton Wiberg
Drums : Dave Sundberg

Albumok :

Dance of the Wicked (2003)
Sister Sin - Dance of the Wicked 1.Kiss The Sky [watch video]
2.Dance Of The Wicked 
3.Fall Into My Dreams 
4.End Of The Beginning 
5.Love Lies 
6.Dirty Damn I [watch video]
7.Paint It Black [watch video]
8.Tragedy Loves Company 
Switchblade Serenades (2008)
Sister Sin - Switchblade Serenades 1.Beat The Street [watch video]
2.Death Will Greet Us [watch video]
3.One Out Of Ten [watch video]
4.Breaking New Ground [watch video]
5.On Parole [watch video]
6.Make My Day [watch video]
7.Hostile-Violent [watch video]
8.Switchblade Serenades [watch video]
9.Love/Hate [watch video]
10.All Systems Go [watch video]
11.Eye To Eye [watch video]
True Sound of the Underground (2010)
Sister Sin - True Sound of the Underground 1.Sound of the Underground [watch video]
2.Outrage [watch video]
3.Better Than Them [watch video]
4.24/7 [watch video]
5.Heading for Hell [watch video]
6.I Stand Alone [watch video]
7.Built to Last [watch video]
8.The Devil I Know [watch video]
9.Time Aren`t A-Changing [watch video]
10.Nailbiter [watch video]
11.Beat `em Down [watch video]

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Holló lány, Neros, Bolondos harcilepke, TheBetrayed, Norticus, Arrancar, öcsipöcsi, pittyem, Amazon, Vándor Kariya, Tündér Mara, JD53, prorokm, Zabuza, Rocktérítő, Edna Valkyrie, Galex6, Zero The Hero, madmax93, syysa, solyceee95, Safi, silenoz_tormentor, Móni , Anton, amor E morte

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Lord Vampir
Lord Vampir
2013.08.23. 18:22:55
Imádom :P
Lord Vampir

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