A SKEW SISKIN egy méltatlanul elfeledett német hard rock zenekar,nõi énekessel.Sajnos késõn érkeztek,amikor már nem volt helye az ilyen irányú minõségi zenének a grunge-láz miatt.Mégis ajánlott minden rockrajongónak legalább az 1992-es debütalbum,vagy a 2005-ös Devil's Disciple címû válogatás beszerzése.
Skew siskin (1992) |
 | 1. | If the walls could talk | 2. | Out of control | 3. | I wanna know | 4. | Livin` on the redline | 5. | In another world | 6. | I gotta go away | 7. | When the sun goes down | 8. | Sniffing the dirt | 9. | Thank you for the time | 10. | All day and all of the night | 11. | Cheap trick | 12. | Shake down and roll |
Voices from the war (1996) |
 | 1. | I can`t take it with you | 2. | Fuck you | 3. | Dead you | 4. | B4 | 5. | Shadows of war | 6. | Genocide | 7. | Who cares | 8. | Pussy game | 9. | I don`t care |
Electric chair music (1996) |
 | 1. | Introverdet | 2. | My worst enemy | 3. | No solution | 4. | Trick or treat | 5. | Metamorphosis | 6. | Revolution of illusion | 7. | It`s alright | 8. | Liquid brain | 9. | Invisible retreat | 10. | Communication breakdown | 11. | Lowside ghetto | 12. | Bloody hierarchy | 13. | Dreams of black | 14. | Young man |
What the hell (1999) |
 | 1. | Spend the night with me | 2. | Life`s a bitch | 3. | Sex, love, dance, music | 4. | Ace against the Jack | 5. | Shoot out your lights | 6. | Head up your ass | 7. | Out of mind out of sight | 8. | Jesse James | 9. | The phantom | 10. | Philosophy 101 | 11. | Let`s get drunk & screw | 12. | Life sucks | 13. | How can I miss you | 14. | Bend over | 15. | Voodoo doll |
Album of the year (2003) |
 | 1. | We hate | 2. | Girl on a mission | 3. | Shake me | 4. | All fired up | 5. | Hate lies | 6. | Lips | 7. | White trash | 8. | Jesus of cool | 9. | 2 much 4 you | 10. | The goddess | 11. | Strike me blind | 12. | War and peace song | 13. | Another good man | 14. | Torn apart |
Devil's disciple (best of) (2005) |
 | 1. | Shoot out your lights | 2. | If the walls could talk | 3. | All day and all of the night | 4. | No solution | 5. | It`s alright | 6. | B4 | 7. | Genocide | 8. | Who cares | 9. | Out of mind out of sight | 10. | Life`s a bitch | 11. | Shake me | 12. | The goddess | 13. | My generation |
Peace breaker (2007) |
 | 1. | Metal in your face | 2. | We`re an institution | 3. | Ridin` with the Devil | 4. | Trouble shooter | 5. | Hit you harder | 6. | Who the hell are you | 7. | War, fire, guns and blood | 8. | I wanna be me | 9. | Eva Braun is back in town | 10. | I don`t care | 11. | Loser | 12. | Can`t hear you | 13. | Shoot the rats |