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A zenekar elõször egy Marilyn Manson tribun band-nek indult de 5 év együtt zenélés után úgy döntöttek hogy tovább lépnek s saját számokat játszanak. S igy alakult meg a Smogriadó!

Albumok :

Smog (2000)
Smogriadó - Smog1.Much idiotic one 
2.Amortizing was freaked out my brain 
5.Onto a thing 
6.This not power 
7.I don`t want it that let him be bad 
8.Beautiful sky 
9.Do not believe 
10.Do not wait for me 
11.Forward whores gangsters 
12.There you go 
Toy Story (2001)
Smogriadó - Toy Story1.I want it bellow 
2.Toy Story 
3.I would not believe it that ... 
4.Hi death 
5.Who does not lie 
6.I was a good child 
7.Big tool 
8.A little bit into silence be 
9.The fog fell 
11.I am not a gay now trouble 
12.Pink even your eye 
Goodby (2002)
Smogriadó - Goodby1.The word of the rock 
2.I saw it already a lot everything 
3.I was there 
4.At pimps nice the life 
5.I am not ... 
7.Not power 
8.Christ lives 
9.It is over 
10.Oh not bad 
11.It is over 2 
12.I am crappy 
Still Wainting Love (2003)
Smogriadó - Still Wainting Love1.Where you are buried 
2.Still Wainting Love 
3.I am loose 
4.On all of them 
5.Oh let 
6.You had been already in Hungary 
7.I don`t want it that let me see you be crying 
10.This a joke 
11.How you would like to die 
12.Love love 
Only nothing peace (2004)
Smogriadó - Only nothing peace1.The dove 
2.The clown 
3.The spark 
4.The fat one 
5.The Smoke 
6.The pussy 
7.The pin 
8.The dick 
9.The lesbian 
10.I do not shout 
11.Only nothing peace 
The happenings of grey days one famillihouse (2005)
Smogriadó - The happenings of grey days one famillihouse1.The day bakes onto us 
2.The life not so plain 
3.For who you live 
4.You may not be idiotic this much 
5.The red lily 
6.The pride and the misjudgement 
7.The autumn takes all good one away 
8.The happenings of grey days one famillihouse 
9.Dot crap 
10.Cool motherfucker 
11.Poisonous apple tree 

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