A zenekar az egyik legjellegzetesebb kaliforniai hardcore-metal zenekar volt mindig is, igaz, az utóbbi években inkább takaréklángon mûködik, amolyan kommunaként, ahol mindenki családtag, még a lemezeiket is közösen adják ki más zenekarokkal, segítik egymást. Az egész család központi figurája Mike Muir, aki 1983-ban alapította a csapatot, a legsikeresebb korszaka pedig a kilencvenes évek elsõ fele volt, ami a testvérzenekarnak, az erõsen funkos Infectious Groovesnak is az aranyidõket jelentette. Ebben a szakaszban volt a csapat dalszerzõ tagja a most a Metallicában játszó Robert Trujillo basszusgitáros is, de 1995-ben vége lett az egésznek. Muir két év szünet után kezdte újra a zenélést, társa ekkor már csak Mike Clark gitáros volt a régi idõkbõl, aki a mai napig kitart mellette.
Suicidal Tendencies (1983) |
 | 1. | Suicide`s An Alternative / You`ll Be Sorry | 2. | Two Sided Politics | 3. | I Shot the Devil | 4. | Subliminal | 5. | Won`t Fall in Love Today | 6. | Institutionalized ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 7. | Memories of Tomorrow | 8. | Possessed | 9. | I Saw Your Mommy | 10. | Fascist Pig | 11. | I Want More | 12. | Suicidal Failure |
Join the Army (1987) |
 | 1. | Suicidal Maniac | 2. | Join the Army | 3. | You Got, I Want | 4. | A Little Each Day | 5. | The Prisoner | 6. | War Inside My Head ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 7. | I Feel Your Pain and I Survive | 8. | Human Guinea Pig | 9. | Possessed to Skate | 10. | No Name, No Words | 11. | Born to Be Cyco | 12. | Two Wrongs Don`t Make a Right (But They Make Me Feel a Whole Lot Better) | 13. | Looking in Your Eyes |
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today (1988) |
 | 1. | Trip at the Brain | 2. | Hearing Voices | 3. | Pledge Your Allegiance | 4. | How Will I Laugh Tomorrow | 5. | The Miracle | 6. | Suicyco Mania | 7. | Surf and Slam | 8. | If I Don`t Wake Up | 9. | Sorry?! | 10. | One Too Many Times | 11. | The Feeling`s Back |
Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit...Déjà Vu (1989) |
 | 1. | Master of No Mercy | 2. | How Will I Laugh Tomorrow | 3. | Just Another Love Song | 4. | Waking the Dead | 5. | Controlled by Hatred | 6. | Choosing My Own Way of Life | 7. | Feel Like Shit... Déjà Vu | 8. | It`s Not Easy | 9. | How Will I Laugh Tomorrow |
Lights...Camera...Revolution! (1990) |
 | 1. | You Can`t Bring Me Down ![[watch video]](/kepek/rendszer/ikonok/mpg.gif) | 2. | Lost Again | 3. | Alone | 4. | Lovely | 5. | Give It Revolution | 6. | Get Whacked | 7. | Send Me Your Money | 8. | Emotion No. 13 | 9. | Disco`s Out, Murder`s In | 10. | Go`n Breakdown |
The Art of Rebellion (1992) |
 | 1. | Can`t Stop | 2. | Accept My Sacrifice | 3. | Nobody Hears | 4. | Tap into the Power | 5. | Monopoly on Sorrow | 6. | We Call This Mutha Revenge | 7. | I Wasn`t Meant to Feel This / Asleep at the Wheel | 8. | Gotta Kill Captain Stupid | 9. | I`ll Hate You Better | 10. | I`ll Hate You Better | 11. | Which Way to Free? | 12. | It`s Going Down | 13. | Where`s the Truth? |
Still Cyco After All These Years (1993) |
 | 1. | Suicide`s an Alternative / You`ll Be Sorry | 2. | Two-Sided Politics | 3. | Subliminal | 4. | I Shot the Devil | 5. | Won`t Fall in Love Today | 6. | Institutionalized | 7. | War Inside My Head | 8. | Don`t Give Me Your Nothin | 9. | Memories of Tomorrow | 10. | Possessed | 11. | I Saw Your Mommy | 12. | Fascist Pig | 13. | A Little Each Day | 14. | I Want More | 15. | Suicidal Failure |
Suicidal for Life (1994) |
 | 1. | Don`t Give a Fuck | 2. | No Fuck`n Problem | 3. | Suicyco Muthafucka | 4. | Fucked up Just Right | 5. | No Bullshit | 6. | What Else Could I Do? | 7. | What You Need`s a Friend | 8. | I Wouldn`t Mind | 9. | Depression and Anguish | 10. | Evil | 11. | Love vs. Loneliness | 12. | Benediction | 13. | Two Worlds Collide |
Freedumb (1999) |
 | 1. | Ain`t Gonna Take It | 2. | Scream Out | 3. | Halfway up My Head | 4. | Cyco Vision | 5. | I Ain`t Like You | 6. | Naked | 7. | Hippie Killer | 8. | Built to Survive | 9. | Get Sick | 10. | We Are Family | 11. | I`ll Buy Myself | 12. | Gaigan Go Home | 13. | Heaven |
Free Your Soul...and Save My Mind (2000) |
 | 1. | Self Destruct | 2. | Su Casa Es Mi Casa | 3. | No More No Less | 4. | Free Your Soul... and Save My Mind | 5. | Pop Songs | 6. | Bullenium | 7. | Animal | 8. | Straight from the Hear | 9. | Cyco Speak | 10. | Start Your Brain | 11. | Public Dissension | 12. | Children of the Bored | 13. | Got Mutation | 14. | Charlie Monroe | 15. | Home |
No Mercy Fool!/The Suicidal Family (2010) |
 | 1. | Suicidal Maniac | 2. | Possessed to Skate | 3. | The Prisoner | 4. | I Feel Your Pain... And I Survive | 5. | Join the ST Army | 6. | No Name, No Words | 7. | Born to Be Cyco | 8. | Come Alive | 9. | Something Inside Me | 10. | No Mercy Fool! | 11. | We`re F`n Evil | 12. | Crazy But Proud | 13. | I`m Your Nightmare | 14. | Widespread Bloodshed... Love Runs Red |
13 (2013) |
 | 1. | Shake It Out | 2. | Smash It! | 3. | This Ain`t a Celebration | 4. | God Only Knows Who I Am | 5. | Make Your Stand | 6. | Who`s Afraid? | 7. | Show Some Love... Tear It Down | 8. | Cyco Style | 9. | Slam City | 10. | Till My Last Breath | 11. | Living the Fight | 12. | Life... (Can`t Live with It, Can`t Live Without It) | 13. | This World |